Subject Index


3d integration   K001
3d structuring   231
3d topography   224


acoustic   198, 238
acoustic impedance   238
acoustic microscopy   238
acoustical   198
activated   225
adaptive   216
adaptronics   216
air   257
aln   195
aln powder   195
alsi7   236
alternative   234
alumina   201, 247
alumina ceramics   247
aluminum   200
aluminum anodization   200
analysis   220, 236
angular resolver   245
anodization   200
application   230, 237, 243
approach   213, 226
aqueous   220
area   230, 260
array   200, 248, 249
aspect   227
assembly   225
assessment   247
asymmetric   207
automated   246


barium   205
batch   237
beam   200
bet method   195
bimodal   205
binding energy   195
bio-mems   250
biological   246
biomimetic   261
bipolar   260
bipolar plate   260
blanking   209
bonding   204, 208, 225
bottom   233
bottom gate   230
braille display   244
bulk metallic glass   223, 263
burrs   206


capacitors   205
carbon   212
carbon-nanotube-membranes   213
carbon nanotubes   213
cartridges   204
casting   220
catalyst   213
cell-holding   246
cell immobilization   246
cell microinjection   246
cells   213, 246
ceramic   201, 224, 231, 234, 247, 253, 258
ceramic green tape   231
ceramic tapes   224
ceramics   217
chain   205, 223
challenges   224
channel   196
characteristics   260
characterization   254
chemical   237
chip formation   240
cim   197
cnt   212
coated   209, 217
coating   260
coherence   247
combination   196, 198
comparison   213, 242
complex   196, 232
components   219, 251, 252
conducting   241
conductive   261
confocal white-light sensor   198
contactless   254
control   198
cooled   236
cop   204
copper   209
copper foil   209
copper powders   259
corresponding   212
corrosion   260
crystallisation   262
customized   221
cutting   199, 206, 236
cutting edge radius   199


delivery   208
demoulding   251
demoulding force   251
deposition   213, 252
design   214, 233, 243, 263
design optimization   233
desktop factory   K003
development   205, 261
device   203, 208, 212, 219, 240, 244, 246
diamond   217
diamond coated   217
diatom   255
die-sinking   232
dielectric   195
dielectric substrates   195
directions   232
discharge   211
dispensing   214
disposable   214
distribution   236
dosage   248
drilling   258
drop   213
droplet   196
drug   208
drug delivery device   208
dry machining   236
duration/shape   258
dynamics   199


eco-machining   236
edge   199
edm   198, 232
edm-milling   198
effect   199, 211, 218, 260, 263, 258, 259
ejection   251
elastomeric   251
elastomers   251
electrical   211
electrical discharge machining   198
electrode   211
electroformed   228
electroforming   215
electron   200
electron beam   225
electron beam lithography (ebl)   200
electronics   230
electrowetting   196
embedded   205, 247
embedded capacitors   205
embossing   203, 222, 253
embossing/punching   224
encoder   245
end   217
environmental   220
environmental impact   220
european   226, 261
ewod   196


fabrication   203, 210, 215, 222, 253
features   215, 223, 263
feedstocks   197, 202
fem simulations   233
femto second   K002
fib   215, 225
filled   205
film   204, 239
finland   K003
fixturing   216
flash   229
flexible circuit   203
flexible substrate   230
flexography   234
flow   257
fluidics   214
focused ion beam milling   223
foils   209, 222
force   251
forming   227
formulations   241
foundry   K005
fp7   261
frame   261
framework   K006
free   247
fresnel   229
fresnel lens   229
ft-ir spectra   195
ft-ir spectroscopy   195
fuel   213
fuel cell   207, 213, 241
function   250
function and length scale integration   223
functional   219
functional plastic   222
functionalized nanomembranes   261
future   K006
future visions   K003


gassing   257
glass   228
glass moulding   228
glasses   K004
gradient   259
green   224, 231, 253, 258
grooved   233


hansen   208
hansen solubility parameters   208
hardened   206
hardened tool steel   206
high   K004, 201, 227, 230, 243
high-k-ceramics   205
high-precision   209
high-tech   195
high-tech material for ic techniques   195
high aspect ratio   227
high volume nanoimprint   230
holes   211, 227
hollow microneedles   249
horizon-2020   K006
hot   203, 221, 222
hot-embossing   239
hot melt ink   221
human   248
hybrid   196, 198
hybrid machining   198


immobilisation   255
immobilization   246
implementation   223
induced   197
industrial practice   K003
influence   199, 206
information and knowledge management   226
injection   197, 202, 210, 218, 248, 250, 263
injection molding   229
injection moulding   210, 248
injection moulding process   202
ink   221, 234
ink jet printing   221
innovation   K006
insert   202, 249
integration   223
interactions   260
interconnect   244
interconnection   203
interface   248
interfacing   250
interference lithography   219
internally   236
investigations   260
ion beam   225


lab-on-a-chip   204, 252
lab-on-a-foil   204
large volume production   K005
laser   249, 253, 258
laser-machined   247
laser ablation   198, 223
laser drilling   258
laser machining   247
laser milling   249
layer   213, 221
layer-by-layer   213
lbm   198
length   223
lens   229
life cycle assessment (lca)   220
light   229, 255
light scattering   247
lipss   K002
liquid   214
lithography   200, 230, 239
local   252
localized   225
ltcc   201, 234, 253


machine   243
machine tools   243
machining   211, 236
manufacture   237
manufacturing   K001, 202, 219, 239, 249, 255
mass   214
mass fabrication   214
master   215, 222, 223
material   195, 201, 243
maximum amplitude image   238
mechanical   254
melt   221
membrane   207
membrane-electrode assembly (mea)   261
membranes   200, 238, 241, 254, 261
meso   217
meso scale milling   217
metal   227, K004
metallic   K004, 202, 260
method   212, 237, 254
micro   198, 199, 211, 215, 218, 219, 223, 232, 240, 263
micro-channel   236
micro-channeled   260
micro-edm   211, 242
micro-engineering   236
micro-injection   249, 257
micro-manufacturing   259
micro-milling   242
micro-nanomanufacturing   219
micro-nanostructures   219
micro-positioning   216
micro-scale   259
micro-stamping   260
micro-structured cavities   202
micro/nano   263
micro/nano features   263
micro blanking   209
micro cutting   199
micro edm milling   233

micro electrical discharge machining (edm)   232
micro injection moulding   218, 249, 257, 263
micro manufacture   226
micro processing   K002
micro replication   251
micro structures   210
microcutting   240
microelectronics   195
microfabrication   200
microfactory   K003
microfluidic cell-holding device   246
microfluidics   196, 233, 250
microforming   K004, 260
microhardness   259
microinjection   246
microinjection moulding   262
micromachining   198, 216, 222, 240
micromanufacturing   226
micromilling   206
micromixer   233
micromolding   229
micromoulding   262
microneedle   248
microneedles   249
microreactor   233
microscopy   238
microstructured   210
microsystems   K001, K005, 250, 253
microthermoforming   204
mid   244
milling   217, 249
mills   217
miniature   245
miniaturization   245
mobile   229
modelling   226, 232, 236
mold flow analysis   229
molded   203
molded interconnect devices (mids)   203
molding   197
molecular   199
molecular dynamics   199
monitoring   212
monocrystalline   209
monocrystalline silicon   209
monomer   241
monte carlo method   247
mould   202
moulded   218, 244, 248, 250
moulded interconnect devices   244
moulding   202, 210, 228, 249, 257, 263
moulds   228
mounting   245
multifunctional   243
multifunctional materials   243
multilayer   201, 253
multilayer ceramics   253
multimaterial   226
multiplat   261


nafion   238
nafion membrane   238
nano   215, 223, 225, 237
nano-scale   262
nano-structured   219
nano manufacture   226
nano processing   K002
nano safety   212
nano structures   237
nanochannels   261
nanocomposites   205
nanodevice   212
nanofabrication   219
nanofiber   212
nanoimprint   230, 239
nanoimprint lithography   230
nanomembranes   254
nanopore   200
nanoporous   241
nanoporous membranes   219
nanosphere   200
nanosphere lithography (nsl)   200
nanotubes   212
nd:yag   198
new   223, 240
ni-shim   215
nickel   228
nil   239
novel   216
nutrients   255


objects   225
on-machine measurement   198
operations   242
opportunities   224
optical   198, 245, 247
optical coherence tomography (oct)   247
optimal   229
optimization   233, 234
optimized   214
organic   230, 239
organic transistor   239
orientation   255
orthogonal   240
orthogonal cutting   240
overview   254


package   250
parameters   206, 208, 211, 218
parts   210, 216, 218
patterned   200
patterning surfaces   K002
peek   245
pem fuel cell   260
pemfc   260
personal   212
personal sampler   212
phase-sensitive   238
phone   229
photopolymerizable   241
physico-chemical   195
pico second   K002, 198
piercing   227
pim   197
plasma   252
plasma treatment   252
plastic   219, K004, 210
plates   260
poc   196
poc-devices   196
polyimide   222
polymer   218, 250, 252
polymer-based   205
polymer-ceramic-composites   205
polymer electrolyte   207, 241
porosity   259
porous   259
porous surfaces   259
potential   247, 257
powder   195, 197
powder injection molding   197
precise   216
precision   228, 243
prediction   251
print   234
printed circuit board   221
printing   221, 239
process   198, 202, 205, 211, 218, 223, 227, 263
process chain   215, 223, 226
process monitoring   257
process parameter   211, 218
process planning   242
processes   222
processing   237
producing   223
production   201, 214, 244
production platform   K005
profilometry   234
programme   K006
project   261
properties   254
protective   221
protective layers   221
proton   241, 261
proton-conducting   207
proton conductive wires   261
proton exchange membrane   207, 241
proton exchange membranes fuel cells (pemfc)   261
prototypes   244
pulse   258
pulse duration   258
pulse shape   258
pulsed   198
punches   209
punching   224, 253


quality   217, 218, 220, 260
quick-stop   240
quick-stop device   240


radius   199
raman-spectroscopy   212
ratio   227
reading   212
real time embedded system   246
realising   262
realization   205
reduced puncture force   248
reflow   245
reflow soldering   245
replication   202, 215, 223, 263
replication quality   263
research   K006, 232
resistance   260
rfid   203
rheology   202
roll-to-roll   239
rolling   201
room   224
room temperature embossing   224
rotary   222
rotary hot embossing   222
roughness   206, 247


sampler   212
scale   217, 223, 225, 263
sealing   204, 250
sealing gasket   250
self-alignment   250
self assembly   219
series   244
shape   211
shaving   227
sheet   201, 211, 227
sheet materials   201
sheet metal   227
si3n4 coating   209
silica   201
silicon   209, 219, 250
silicon packaging   250
simulation   199
sintering   259
size   199
size effect   199
small   244
small series production   K005, 244
smart   236
smart actuators   216
smart tooling design and analysis   236
sol-gel   207
solder   245
solid-state   200
solid-state nanopore array membranes   200
solubility   208
solvent   208
solvent bonding   208
specific surface area   195
spectroscopic   195
steel   249
steels   206
strength   K004
structured   202, 262
structures   237
structuring   231, 232, 253
structuring of polymers   222
study   195, 206, 227, 251
substrates   195, 234
suitability   228
surface   217, 225, 237, 260
surface activation   225
surface quality   217
surface roughness   247
surface structuring   224, 262
surfaces   247, 259, 262
sustainable machining   236
system   214, 248


tape   220, 253, 224, 231, 258
tape structuring   253
technique   239
technological interfaces   226
technologies   226
technology   203, 221, 253, 258
technology maturity   226
tem micrographs   195
temperature   224, 236, 259
thick   201
thick tapes   201
thin   204, 209, 213, 216, 239
thin film   252
titanate   205
titanium   211
tomography   247
tool   215, 236, 247, 243
tool life   197
tool manufacture   215
tool production   209
tool wear   206
tooling   228, 237
towards   226, 239
tpe   250
transistors   239
tribology   260
tut microfactory   K003


ultra   243
ultra high precision machining   243
ultra short laser pulses   K002
ultrasonic   203
ultrasonic hot embossing   203
uncoated   209
uv   198
uv-curable   231
uv-curing   231
uv-laser   198
uv-nil   215, 230


variothermal process control   210
vascular   248
vascular system   248
viscosity   234
viscosity range   214
volume   201, 230


wafer   228
walled   204, 216
water-based tape casting   220
water-immersed   238
way   234
wear   232
wear-effects   197
wear of mold-inserts   197
workplace safety   212


xps   195
xrd analysis   195


young’s modulus   238, 254


zirconia   197, 201
zro2   217
zro2 - feedstock   197