Surface Nano Structures Manufacture Using Batch Chemical Processing Methods for Tooling Applications
G. Tosello1, M. Calaon1, J. Gavillet2, P. T. Tang3, C. Ravn3, Z. Tebby2, O. Dellea2 and H. N. Hansen1
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, DK-2800, Denmark
2Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Laboratory of Innovation for New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials (LITEN), Grenoble, 38054, France
3IPU Technology Development, Kgs. Lyngby, DK-2800, Denmark
The patterning of large surface areas with nano structures by using chemical batch processes to avoid using high-energy intensive nano machining processes was investigated. The capability of different surface treatment methods of creating micro and nano structured adaptable mould inserts for subsequent polymer replication by injection moulding was analyzed. New tooling solutions to produce nano structured mould surfaces were investigated. Experiments based on three different chemical-based-batch techniques to establish surface nano (i.e. sub-µm) structures on large areas were performed. Three approaches were selected: (1) using Ø500 nm nano beads deposition for direct patterning of a 4” silicon wafer; (2) using Ø500 nm nano beads deposition as mask for 4” silicon wafer etching and subsequent nickel electroplating; (3) using the anodizing process to produce Ø500 nm structures on a 30x80 mm2 aluminium substrate, subsequent nickel electroplating and finally injection moulding. Keywords: Surface, Nano structures, Tooling.

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