Femto- and Pico Second Laser Micro-Nano Processing for Patterning Surfaces by Removal and Deposition of Material
A. J. Huis in ‘t Veld1,2
1Applied Laser Technology, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
2TNO Technical Sciences, Mechatronics Mechanics and Materials, De Rondom 1, P.O. Box 6235, 5600 HE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ultra short laser pulses in the femto and pico second regime are the most important driver of new laser processes. 3D - Laser micro machining in a direct write mode is already available on an industrial scale whereas in the coming years laser nano machining will be further developed. The key for process innovation is a better understanding of laser-material interactions on fs, ps and ns time scales e.g. to explain the role of laser intensity and exploit the mechanism of LIPSS (ripple) forming. Patterning surfaces can be done by removal, modification or last but not least deposition of material mostly in very thin layers in a direct write mode. These so called additive manufacturing processes offer new applications especially when applied on a nano scale. Besides laser direct write, laser patterning in combination with other processes, e.g. (electro) chemical treatment is considered as a very attractive class of processes for industrial applications. Processes are applied for solar cell production and in the semiconductor industry, however very challenging new applications both from a scientific and a technological point of view are found amongst others in the area of meta materials, bio-medical applications, sensors and functional surfaces.
Keywords: Emto second, Pico second, Ultra short laser pulses, Micro processing, Nano processing, Patterning surfaces, LIPSS.

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