Keyword Index — S

Sabkha   GI170
sampling   GI094
Sand compaction piles   GI070
sand-fill   GI190
Scrap tire   GI092
seepage   GI191
seismic wave   GI099
settlement   GI154, GI023
settlement after-construction   GI113
settlement rate   GI113
settlement response   GI149
sewage treatment plant   GI173
shaft   GI079
shaking table test   GI090
shear strength   GI092, GI181, GI059
sheet-pile with drain   GI123
shield tunnel   GI179, GI127
shrinkage   GI175
sinkhole   GI183
site investigation   GI160, GI084
sleeve friction   GI029
slope   GI191
Slope failure   GI055
slopes   GI129
smear   GI070
Soft Clay   GI030, GI154
soft clay foundation   GI113
Soft clays   key-Bud-ISGI09
soft ground   GI174
soft soil   GI152, GI153, GI180
Soft soils   key-Raju-ISGI09
Soil anchor   GI064
soil improvement   GI154, GI025, GI181, GI195, GI040, key-Han-ISGI09
soil nail   GI064
Soil nailing   key-Mic-ISGI09
soil reinforcements   GI064
Soil stabilization   GI089, GI084
soil strengthening   GI126
soil stress state   GI082
soil-cement   GI026
soil-cement column   GI055
soil-structure-interaction   GI064
spatial autocorrelation   GI102
spatial variability   GI091
Sporosarcina pasteurii   GI126
SPT test   GI018
stability   GI191, GI125
stabilization   GI088, GI033, GI175, GI027
Stabilized surface layer   GI087
steel sheet-pile wall with drainage   GI131
Steel tanks   GI160
stratified soil deposit   GI179
strength   GI102, GI073
stress distribution   GI012
sub-grades   GI175
sub-soil   GI191
surcharge load   GI004
Sustainable construction   GI167
swell   GI027
swelling   GI175
swelling test   GI185