Numerical Study of Effects of Spatial Variability on Cement-Treated Column Strength
Tsutomu Namikawa1 and Junichi Koseki2
1Department of Civil Engineering, Kobe City College of Technology, 8-3 Gakuen Higashimachi,
Nishi-ku Kobe, 651-2194, Japan.
2Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba Meguro-ku Tokyo, 153-8505, Japan.
This paper presents the numerical experiments that investigate the effect of the spatial correlation of the strength of cement-treated soil. Finite element analyses were performed to simulate the unconfined compression behavior of full scale column samples in which material properties vary with the presence of spatial autocorrelation. The numerical results indicated that the spatial autocorrelation affected significantly the compression behavior of the full scale cement-treated column.
Keywords: Cement-treated soils; strength; spatial autocorrelation.
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