Test and Analysis on Reinforcement Effect of High Vacuum Compaction Method in Soft Soil
Chang-Cun Gu1,a, Yu-Ting Zhang2 and Hua-Shun Chen1,b
1Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Hohai University, 1 Xikang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210098, P. R. China.
2Tianjin Research Institute for Water Transport Engineering, Xingang, No.2 Road, Tianjin 300456, P. R. China.
The reinforcement mechanism of high vacuum compaction method were introduced. Based on engineering project, the construction technology of high vacuum compaction method was introduced. The change law of pore water pressure and settlement were studied by field test, and the process of dynamic consolidation was analyzed. The change of soil parameters were contrasted by cone penetration test and bearing capacity of foundation test in pre- and post of foundation treatment. The feasibility that high vacuum compaction method in improving shallow layer soft soil was verified.
Keywords: High vacuum compaction method; soft soil; foundation parameter; field test.
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