Approach to Characterization of Cyclic Behavior of Artificially Bounded Soils
Sara Rios1,a, AntÓNio Viana Da Fonseca1,b and Nilo C. Consoli2
1Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, R. Dr.Roberto Frias, s/n, Porto, Portugal.
2Civil Engineering Department, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Osvaldo Aranha,99, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
This paper presents some results from cyclic triaxial tests performed over soil-cement samples molded with typical silty sand from residual soil from granite. Several samples with different percentage of cement and void ratio were molded and cycled in distinct load amplitudes following the methodology of CEN (2004) in order to analyze the behavior of these mixtures in terms of the resilient stiffness and plastic deformation. The molding conditions concerning the percentage of cement, curing water content and void ratio, are represented by an index property that is the ratio of porosity (η) to the volumetric cement content (Civ), expressed as a percentage of the cement volume regarding the total volume.
Keywords: Cyclic triaxial tests; soil-cement; resilient modulus; permanent deformation.
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