Effective Road Embankment Construction on Fibrous Peat Using Hydraulic Sand-Fill
D. E. L. Ong1, K. T. Kho2,a, A. D. R. Danial2 and L. Y. Tai2
1School of Engineering & Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Sarawak Campus, Malaysia.
2Jurutera Jasa (Sarawak) Sdn. Bhd.
The main challenge faced in road construction on fibrous peat and deep soft soils is to ensure that the total and differential settlements are within acceptable limits during the design life of the road. In practice, it is near impossible to obtain undisturbed samples of fibrous peat as water and organic contents can be high as 1200% and 60%, respectively. This paper presents a novel method in constructing a road embankment in fibrous peat using hydraulically placed sand-fill.
Keywords: Peat; embankment; hydraulic; sand-fill.
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