Long Term Field Monitoring of Chemically Stabilized Sand with Grouting
Hirokazu Akagi1, Kazuhito Komiya2 and Mitsuhiro Shibazaki3
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Waseda University Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan.
2Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology, Tsudanuma, Chiba 275-8588, Japan.
3Japanese Grouting Association Bunkyo, Tokyo 112-0004, Japan.
Chemical grouting method is employed frequently within an urban area to improve the strength and permeability characteristics of soft ground. In order to ensure the long term performance of chemically stabilized sand with grouting, the systematic field measurement of the mechanical characteristics of the chemical grouted sandy soil has been carried out by the Japanese Grouting Association for the period of five years, from 2000 to 2005. The test field soil condition consisted mainly of comparatively dense sand with gravel and the ground water table was around 6 m below the ground surface. Four types of silicate grouting materials were employed. Standard penetration tests (SPT), lateral loading tests (LLT), in-situ permeability tests and flow meter tests within a bored hole were conducted to obtain the strength and permeability characteristics of the grouted sand. The SPT-N value and LLT deformation modulus of the grouted sand with a silicate material of an organic hardener has increased for the initial two years and then decreased for the next year. However, its N-value was still the triple times the initial one. It has been concluded that silicate grouted materials have demonstrated the satisfactory performance during the period of three years.
Keywords: Soil stabilization; chemical grouting; site investigation.
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