Innovative Finite Element Model for Analysis of Soil Reinforcements
K. X. Liu1, F. H. Lee2,a and K. Y. Yong2,b
1School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Singapore Polytechnic, 500 Dover Road, Singapore 139651.
2Civil Engineering Department, National University of Singapore, Kent Ridge Road, Singapore, 117576.
Soil reinforcements such as anchors and soil nails are commonly used in ground improvement and soil retaining system for soil slopes and cuts to achieve safe and cost effective slope protection. Numerical analysis of the stability of ground or soil retained by soil reinforcement is one of the important approaches to assess the safe use of the ground. This paper describes a proposed finite element model for simulating the interaction between soil and soil reinforcement such as soil anchors, soil nails and micro-piles. The proposed model was conceptually constructed by wrapping an interface element around a bar which represents reinforcing member. 3-D Finite Element analyses of anchor pull-out test using the proposed element were carried out to calibrate and verify the proposed model as well as to ascertain model applicability.
Keywords: Soil anchor; soil nail; soil reinforcements; soil-structure-interaction; FEM.
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