Effectiveness of Cement Kiln Dusts in Stabilizing Expansive Clay
Pranshoo Solanki1 and Musharraf M. Zaman2
1School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science, University of Oklahoma, 202 West Boyd Street, Rm. 334, Norman, OK 73019, USA.
2College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 202 West Boyd Street, Rm. 107, Norman, OK 73019, USA.
A laboratory study was conducted to study the effectiveness of four different cement kiln dusts (CKDs) for stabilizing expansive clay. The moisture-density relationships, unconfined compressive strength, stiffness, moisture susceptibility, Atterberg limits, and three-dimensional (3-D) swell of stabilized specimens were evaluated. These properties were compared with those of the raw clay specimens and ordinary Portland cement (OPC)-stabilized specimens to determine the extent of improvement. The addition of CKD increased the unconfined compressive strength, stiffness, and resistance to moisture. In addition, CKD stabilization decreased plasticity index and 3-D swell. The extent of improvement provided by CKD was found to be a function of the chemical and/or physical properties of the particular CKD, specifically its free lime content, specific surface area, loss on ignition, and/or alkali content.
Keywords: Stabilization; cement kiln dust; swell; moisture susceptibility.
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