Technical Papers

Day 1:
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
  WP1-A: Modeling and Design
  WP1-B: Robotics
  WP2-A: Modeling and Control
  WP2-B: Machine Vision Image Processing and Sensing
Day 2:
Thursday, 16 December 2010
  TA1-A: Sensing and Control 1
  TA1-B: Modeling
  TA2-A: Medical Mechatronics
  TA2-B: Micro-and Nano-Mechatronics
  TP2-A: Sensing Actuation and Control
  TP2-B: Control of Electro-Mechanical Systems
Day 3:
Friday, 17 December 2010
  FA1-A: Sensing and Control 2
  FA2-A: Sensing and Control 2
  FP1-A: Manufacturing and Automation 1
  FP2-A: Manufacturing and Automation 2
  FP2-B: Automation