| Insect Diversity in Cotton Agro-ecosystem J. M. Mari, M. A. Rustamani and M. K. Lohar |

| An Innovative Approach to Sanitary Landfill Site Selection by GIS -Case Study Arash Rezaee, Homayoon Fakhim Ahmadi and Qolamreza Miraki |

| Modeling of Carbon Monoxide at an Intersection using HYROAD; A Case Example from Tehran Mohsen Saeedi and Saba Oladnia |

| Treatment of Spent Regenerant from MIEX®DOC Process with the Use of Pressure Driven Processes Malgorzata Kabsch-Korbutowicz |

| Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Wastewater by Reduction with Steel Wool and Subsequent Precipitation Sampa Chakrabarti, Pallavi Mitra, Debasish Sarkar and Sekhar Bhattacherjee |

| A Study on the Role of Ornamental and Greenhouse Plants on Reducing Air Pollution in Closed Environment Siamak Boudaghpour and Shervin Hashemi |

| Sensitivity Analysis of River Flood Routing Model to Input Data Ehsan Ranaee, Mohammad Mahmoodian and Saeed Rahati |

| Esterification of acids from Crude Jatropha Curcas Seed Oil using Clamp-On Tubular Reactor Darwin Sebayang, Pudji Untoro, Achmad Praptijanto and Kamarul Azhar Kamarudin |

| Transesterification Process from Jatropha Curcas using Ultrasound Clamp Reactor Darwin Sebayang, Pudji Untoro, Achmad Praptijanto and Abdul Azis |

| Development of Protected Areas because of Biodiversity with Ecoremediations Mojca Kokot, Ana Vovk Korze and Nina Globovnik |

| An electrochemical degradation of phenol using rotating Ti/SnO2-Sb anode R. Rajasekaran and Rm. Meyyappan |

| Biodiversity of Medically Important Mosquitoes Obtained from Urban, Sub-urban and Forested Areas in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, Malaysia I. M. Nurin-Zulkifli, C. D. Chen, H. L. Lee, K. Faezah, M. R. Saiful, A. A. Izzul, A. G. Abdullah and M. Sofian-Azirun |

| Estimation of Kinetic Rates in a Wastewater Treatment Bioprocess Dan Selişteanu, Monica Roman, Emil Petre and Eugen Bobaşu |

| Modelling of Combustion Processes using Bond Graphs Monica Roman, Eugen Bobaşu, Dan Seliştean and Dorin Şendrescu |

| Sustainable Development: A Case Study of an Envisioned University Town of Kampar, Malaysia Siew-Mun Ang |

| Donnan Dialysis with Anion-Exchange Membrane for Removal of Bromate Ions from Water Jacek A. Wiśniewski and Sylwia Kliber |

| Application of Headspace-solid Phase Microextraction followed by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry to Determine Short-chain Monocarboxylic Acids in Cattle farm Wastewater and Waste Landfill Leachates Anna Banel, Marta Wasielewska and Bogdan Zygmunt |

| Determination of Volatile Fatty Acids in Municipal Wastewater and Leachates from Sewage Sludge Allotments and Compost Piles using Direct Aqueous Injection Gas Chromatography Preceded by Distillation Based Sample Cleanup Bogdan Zygmunt and Anna Banel |

| Concentration of Organic Dye Solutions with the Use of Ceramic Membranes Katarzyna Majewska-Nowak, Joanna Kawiecka-Skowron and Malgorzata Motyka |

| The Query of Plant Four Species on the Verge of Extinction in Southern Forest of Caspian Sea Alireza Eslami and Mahmoud Roshani |

| Effects of Acoustics on Desorption of Zinc from Illite and Silica Aneel Kumar and Jiro Takemura |

| Single and Multi-Component Biosorption of Copper and Zinc Ions using Microalgal Resin R. Ramsenthil and Rm. Meyyappan |

| ORP and pH Relationships of Sediments and Water in Sri Lankan Lagoons after 2004 December Tsunami and their Effects on Groundwater Daham Jayawardana, Amarasooriya Pitawala and Hiroaki Ishiga |

| Environmental Sustainability In Cities of Under-Developed Economies In The Tropics Case Study of Mbale in Uganda Barnabas Nawangwe and Catherine Kimani |

| Bone Char and Ozone In A Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation Process to Degrade Humic Acids in Aqueous Solutions Ghorban Asgari, Sayed Bagher Mortazavi, Sayed Jamaleddin Hashemian and Gholamreza Moussavi |

| Photocatalytic Removal of Rhodamine B from Aqueous Solution over Fe2O3/MCM-41 Composites under UV Light Irradiation Liping Zhang, Shi Yuan, Feng Hu, Haifu Deng, Weidong Fang, Runsheng Zhang, Xiaofeng Chang and Lek Sikong |

| Environmental Impact of Landfilling Verses Composting in Tehran: A Life Cycle Assessment M. A. Abduli, A. Naghib, Mansoor Yonesi and Ali Akbari |

| Wind Mapping in Wind Energy Development Eva Vejvodova, Michal Navorka and Olga Tumova |

| Adsorption of Iron(II) from Aqueous Solution by Sodium Hydroxide Rice Husk: Response Surface Methodology and Isotherm Study Monik Kasman and Shaliza Ibrahim |

| Decolourization and COD Removal of Azo Dye Solution by Repeated Ozonation and Biodegradation Fahmi, Apipah Ariffin, Suhaida Mohamed Arshad, Che Zulzikrami Azner Abidin and Nazerry Rosmady Rahmat |

| The Accountancy of Expenses of Production and the Calculus of Costs in the Main Activity of Construction and Assembling Cucui Ion, Cucui Gabriel, Hurjui Ioan and Obreja Camelia |

| Plant Uptake of some Pharmaceuticals from Fertilized Soils Merike Lillenberg, Karin Kipper, Koit Herodes and Lembit Nei |

| A Comparative Study of Heavy Metals and Sulfate of the Mining Wastewater Islam-Ud-Din, Sardar Khan and Cang Daqiang |

| The Distribution and Source Identification of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in the Sediment in Korea Jung Keun Oh and Jong Guk Kim |

| Response surface methodological approach for optimizing Removal of Ni (II) from aqueous solution using Palm Shell Activated Carbon Inas F. Baker, Shaliza Ibrahim and W. M. A. W. Daud |

| Estimation of Total Convertible Energy from Combustible Waste and Status of Waste-to-Energy Technologies in Korea Yong-Chil Seo, Sung-Jin Cho, Hae-Young Jung, Young-Tai Choi, Jong-In Dong and Yong Seung Yoon |

| Transesterification Of Jatropha Oil using Heteregenous Solid Catalyts Base Bentonite Egi Agustian, Wuryaningsih S. R., Darwin Sebayang and Achmad Praptijanto |

| Removal of chromium and organic matters from industrial wastewater using the ChromeBacTM system Raihan Musa, Zainul Akmar Zakaria, Wan Azlina Ahmad Mohd Saufi Mohd Sidek, Ali Reza Khasim and Shaik Muhammad Hasbullah Shaik Ismail |

| Study Regarding Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystem at an Mountain Areas in Romania Daniela Cristiana Alexandrescu |

| Dewatering Waste Activated Sludge using Dissolved-Gas Flotation Followed by Centrifugation Medhat El-Zahar |

| Effect of Hydrophilic Polymer in Physicochemical Properties of Biodiesel so that it Becomes Friendlier to the Environment with its Use Constantinos G. Tsanaktsidis, Stavros G. Christidis and George T. Tzilantoni |

| The Use of Fuzzy Logic to Determine the Sustainability in the Wood Industry in the Amazon Region Carlos Maneschy, André Montenegro and Fatima Leal |

| Potential Application of the ChromeBac™ sludge as Supplement for Balsam Growth Norsuhada Abdul Karim, Shaik Muhammad Hasbullah Shaik Ismail, Zainul Akmar Zakaria and Wan Azlina Ahmad |

| Ethical Technologies of the Environmental Management Zoya Apevalova |

| Waste Water Impact Assessment of Shaida Tourist Complex Sam Hayeripour |

| Heavy Metal from Contaminated Sediments of the Nhue River and Soil in the Farm Land Area Nguyen Thi Lan Huong and Masami Ohtsubo |

| Spatial Mapping Of The Dengue Risk Areas To Improved Environmental Health Risk Identification in Penang, Malaysia through the Geographic Information System (GIS) Application Aziz Shafie |

| Potential Impact of Pollution by Oil Spills On Coastal Facies In Pulau Pangkor, Malaysia Jasmin Saw, Chow Weng Sum, Bernard J. Pierson, Ani Aiza Asha'ari and A. Aziz Omar |

| The Heavy Metals Absorption of Some Wild Growing Mushrooms from Carpathian Mountain Carmen Cristina Elekes, Gheorghe Ionita and Mihail Dumitru |

| A Database Management System (DBMS) for Monogenean Taxonomy Arpah A., Sarinder K. K. S. and L. H. S. Lim |

| Effect of HZSM-5 Zeolite on Tar Reduction for Biomass Palm Shell Gasification in Fixed Bed Reactor L. F. B. Chin, A. Gorin, F. Twaiq and H. B Chua |

| Growth Kinetics of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Production by Ralstonia Eutropha with Crude Glycerol from Biodiesel By-Product Sasithorn Kongruang |

| Scanning Antimicrobial Activity of Seed Proteins from Local Thai Plants in Leguminosae and Solanaceae Tanawat Chanmapunrungsi, Sudarat Phungphay and Benjamaporn Wonganu |

| Oil Palm Bio-fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites-Effect Alkaline Peroxide on Mechanical and Thermal Properties S. S. Suradi, R. M. Yunus, M. D. H. Beg, Z. A. M. Yusof and A. K. Lovely |

| Effect of Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant on Greenhouse Gas Emission of Power Plants Sector in Islamic Republic of Iran M. Abbaspour, M. Monavari, A. R. Karbassi, N. Kargari |

| Renewable Hydrogen Energy Option for Pakistan Irfan Ahmad Gondal |

| Climate Change & Risk Assessment: The Oral Health Perspective Sunali Khanna |

| Simulating of River sedimentation Mehdi Delphi and Seyed Majid Mosaddad |

| The Effects of Variable Inflow Hydrographs on Water Saving in Furrow Irrigation using Zero-inertia Model Bita Moravejalahkami, Behrouz Mostafazadeh-Fard, Manouchehr Haidarpour, Fariborz Abbasi , S. Saeid Eslamian and Ernesto Vazquez- Fernandez |

| An Overview on the Best Clean Energy Source — Subtle Energy Subramanya Krishna Bhat |

| Analysis of Energy Efficiency Towards Building Envelope between Main Library of University Malaya Building and Library of Uitm Perak Building A. H. Anas Zafirol, A. H. Al-Hafzan and W. M. Wan Nur Syazwani |

| Effect of Effluent Flow Rate on Nickel Removal Efficiency from Plating Industry Effluent using Bagasse in column studies B. L. Chavan |

| Effect of PH on Nickel Removal Efficiency from Plating Industry Effluent using Bagasse B. L. Chavan and S. S. Lomate |

| Photo-catalytic Treatment of Spent Wash with CaO B.L.Chavan, S. H. Pawar, S. S.Lomate and V. P. Dhulap |

| Poor Indoor Air Quality in a Factory Building with a Separate Ventilation System Hsiu-Ling Chen, Mu-Chen Lu and Chia-I Chan |

| Kinetic Evaluation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent POME with Membrane An Aerobic System (MAS) Abdurahman H. Nour, Rosli M. Yunus, Azhary H. Nour, S. Vissaliny and V. Rajaletchumy |

| A Novel and Economical Kite Anemometric Analysis for Velocity Measurements in a Convective Boundary Layer along a Reinforced Coastline in Pondicherry R. Jha, R. Raj, J. Ekhlas, A. Siravuru, S. Sarkar, R. Bardhan and S. Ghosh |

| Lipid Peroxidation and Enzymatic Activity Levels in Shrimp Macrobrachium Nipponense (De Hann, 1849) from Al-Qurna and Garmat Ali River. Rafid M. Karim |

| Factors Influencing the Heavy Metal Concentration in Human Temporary Teeth Daniela Ionita, Mariana Prodana, Andrei Stoian, Mirela Dilea and Ioana Demetrescu |

| Monitoring Efficiency of Hydroxyapatite Formation on Ti Alloys as a Function of Elaboration Conditions Daniela Ionita, Mariana Prodana and Ioana Demetrescu |

| Phytoplankton bloom modeling with System Dynamics approach, A case study: Karkheh reservoir in Iran Mohammad Reza Samaei, Seyed Bagher Mortazavi and Mojtaba Gharavi |

| Remediation of Cyanide Contaminated Soil using Soil Washing, Chemical Oxidation and Precipitation Jae Gon Kim, Jung Hwa Lee and Young Woo Choi |

| Biosorption of Copper(II) by Pleurotus Ostreatus Fungal Biosorbent Chia-Chay Tay, Hong-Hooi Liew, Soon-Kong Yong, Salmijah Surif and Suhaimi Abdul-Talib |

| Investigation on Qualitative Characteristics of Compost and Biocompost Fertilizers, the Effective Means for Development of Wastes Management, Iran Iman Homayoonnezhad, Paria Amirian and Issa Piri |

| The Potential of Waste Water Sludge to Stabilize the Soil in Uitm, Shah Alam, Malaysia W. M. Wan Nur Syazwani, A. H. Anas Zafirol and A. H. Al-Hafzan |

| To Assess Factors Influencing the Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Agricultural Higher Education System of Iran Seyed Jamal F.Hosseini , Mohammad Reza Soleimanpour and Maryam Omidi Najafabadi |

| The Use of Oxidizing Agents for Treating Antisense-based Pharmaceutical Products. Carol Robinson, Gary Walsh and Thomas. F O'Dwyer |

| The Development of Drying Technology for Collapse-prone Eucalyptus Wood as Eco-material Lin Yang, Honghai Liu, Kazuo Hayashi and Masatoshi Sugimori |

| A Comparison of ANN Architecture Towards Predicting Cyanobacteria Abundance at Tropical Lake and Wetlands Jin Heng Oh, Sorayya Malek, Sharifah Mumtazah Syed Ahmad and Aishah Salleh |

| Survey of Health and Safety Risk in Reduction and Production Unit of Bandar Abbas Al-Mahdi Aluminum Factory using Process Failure Mode & Effect Analysis Method (PFMEA) Seyed Ali Jozi and Sahar Rezaian |

| “Implementation of Health, Safety & Environment System in Procurement (Case study: Procurement of Goods and Drilling Equipment in “Tehran Manufacturing Support and Procurement Co.”)” Sahar Rezaian and Seyed Ali Jozi |

| Influence of Oxygen, pH, and Temperature on E. coli Lethality in Ultrasound Teerada Bubphamala, Kanuengnit Chuienkha and Lukkhana Benjawan |

| Variability in Puntius binotatus valenciennes collected from three Geographically Isolated Rivers Mark Anthony J. Torres, Cesar G. Demayo and Joey Rey B. Cartajenas |

| Geometric Morphometric Analysis in Determining Left-Right Asymmetry in the Shape of the First Closed Marginal Cell of the Rice Black Bug, Scotinopha Coarctata Collected from Different Geographical Locations in the Philippines Mark Anthony J. Torres, Alberto T. Barrion, Ravindra Joshi, Leocadio Sebastian and Cesar G. Demayo |

| Species Diversity of Dragonflies in Different Environmental Landscapes Cesar G. Demayo and Mark Anthony J. Torres |

| Community Structures of Dragonflies in Different Environmental Landscapes Cesar G. Demayo and Mark Anthony J. Torres |

| The Use of Gis In Mapping and Analysis of Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever In Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Sholehah Ismail, Azizan Abu Samah, Wan Yusoff Wan Sulaiman and Aziz Shafie |

| “Visnu” — Vital Initiatives for Sustainable Natural Units, A Model for Environment Sustainability P. Asha Parekh, T. K. Parimala Vaishnavi and B. K. Acharya P. |

| Effect of Pollutant Loading Changes on Water Quality in Lam Takhong River, Thailand Nares Chuersuwan, Siraporn Potivichayanont, Subuntith Nimrat and Tanunchai Wannasook |

| Simultaneous Removal of Hexavalent Chromium and Sulfate from Water using Nanofiltration Behnam Barikbin, Seyed Bagher Mortazavi and Seyed Gholamreza Moussavi |

| Establishing Relation between Plastics Dependence and Gender Bending Behavior among Pre-school Boys along a Philippine Shoreline Community Brenda B. Tumala and Joemil G. Galve |

| Multi-Criteria Decision Modelling for Watershed Management A Case Study in The Aek Silang Sub Watershed Hotmauli Sianturi and Zulkifli Nasution |

| Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Waste Management in City of Karaj, Iran Leila Amiri, Mohammad Ramezanianpour and Mohammadreza Farahani |

| The Potentiometry of the Biogas Recovery from Rural Waste in Yazd County in Iran Leila Amiri, Mohammad Ramezanianpour, Mohammad Ali Abdoli and Mansoor Yonesi |

| Transesterification of Croton Megalocarpus Fatty Acids using Sulfated tin Oxide as Solid Catalyst Gerald Kafuku, Man Kee Lam, Jibrail Kansedo, Keat Teong Lee and Makame Mbarawa |

| Diversity and Social Interaction of Birds While Foraging in Mudflat Areas of Kuala Gula, Perak, Malaysia Nura Muna Abdul Halim, Nurdiyana Sumri and Rosli Ramli |

| Effect of H3PO4 to Et3PO4 Ratio on Synthesis of Cellulose Phosphate from Oil Palm Biomass R. Rohaizu, W. D Wanrosli and G. Arniza |

| Cellulose Phosphate as Biomaterial: Preliminary Study M. K. Mohamad Haafiz, W. D. Wan Rosli, S. M. Azman and R. Rohaizu |

| Indigenous Distributed Relational Biodiversity Databases K. K. S. Sarinder, M. A. Majid , T. H. Chua, A. F. Merican, Dimyati K. Ibrahim H., K. K. S. Baljit and L. H. S. Lim |

| Detecting and Environmental Assessment of Spatial Changes of “Hamun-E-Saberi” Lagoon using Satellite Imagery and GIS Mohsen Ahadnejad Reveshty, Yoshihisa Maruyama and Alireza Rabet |

| Sewage sludge: An Important Resource for Sustainable Agriculture and its Environmental Implications M. Jamil, M. Sharif Zia and M. Qasim Khan |

| Study of Exchange Nitroxin Biofertilizer (Azospirillum and Azotobacter) in Rice Cultivars, A Step Toward Sustainable Agriculture Naser Mohammadian Roshan, Hamidreza Bozorgi, Maral Moradi and Ebrahim Azarpour |

| Vertical Structure of PH in Coastal Waters of Kiyashahr, North of Iran Siamak Jamshidi, M. D. Noordin Bin Abu Bakar and MarziehYousefi |

| Addressing the Challenges of Carbonaceous Waste Disposal and Poultry In-House Ammonia Volatilization Prasanthrajan Mohan and Doraisamy Ponnusamy |

| Effects of Mining Activities on Drinking Water Quality, Case Study of Sungun Mine, Iran Touraj Nasrabadi, Gholamreza Nabi Bidhendi and Abdolreza Karbassi |

| Analysis of Farmers' Behaviors and the Risk of Exposure to the Vector of Zoonotic Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Tunisia Issam Nouiri, Jamila Ghrab, Jaber Daaboub and Mohamed Kouni Chahed |

| Toxin Production of Toxic Strain Microcystis Aeruginosa in the Presence of Non-Toxic Strain Hul Seingheng, Analiza Rollon, Davin Uy and Kiohiko Nakasaki |

| Characterization of Biochar for Soil Carbon Pool Enrichment: Review on a Way to Carbon Sequestration Parul Sundha and Uma Melkania |

| Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Metal Contaminants in Pisum sativum L. Grown in Tannery Effluent Nandkishor More, Renu Bala, Namita Dhusia, Dhiraj Kumar and R. Venkatesh Kumar |

| Revegetation of fly ash landfills using Sesbania cannabina Ritz as green manure: Selection of organic amendments A.K. Gupta, R. Gupta, S. Sinha and B-K.Lee |

| A Method for Determining Landscape Changes on the Example of Georgia's Landscapes Dali Nikolaishvili, Lia Matchavariani and Roman Maisuradze |

| Seasonal Changes in Some Qualitative Parameters of Groundwater in Farouj Plain North East of Iran Hadi Ghorbani and Samira Mohammadi Sadabad |

| Studies on Degradation of Syntan used in Leather Tanning Process using Ozone T. B. Rema, Parivalla and R. Alwar Ramanujam |

| Assessment of Mangrove Forest Degradation Through Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Karachi and Its Environse A. Hameed and S. Baby |

| Suitability of Sand from Coastal Burrow Pit for Road Construction and Impact on Landscape Geomorphology of Kuwait Bay S. Baby, M. A. Al-Sarawi., S. A. Abraham and R. Rasheed |

| Effective Environmental Factors on Distribution of Grass Species in Taleghan Rangelands of Tehran Province (Iran) M. A. Zare Chahouki, A. Tavili, H. Azarnivand and A. Zare Chahouki |

| Comparison of univariate & multivariate geostatistical approach to map precipitation in arid region of Iran (Case study: Central Kavir basin) M. A. Zare Chahouki and A. Zare Chahouki |

| Range Suitability Assessment for Sheep Grazing using GIS H. Arzani, R. Refaei and M. Farahpoor |

| Application of Remote Sensing Data for Vegetation Cover Assessment in Summer Rangeland of Mazandaran Province of Iran H. Arzani, S. Noori, S. H. Kaboli, M. Farahpour and M. S. Ghelichnia |

| Groundwater Draft in Bastam Plain, Shahrood, Iran Gholam Hossein Karami |