Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories


ISBN: 978-981-08-3124-0 (Hardbound)
Pages: 828 pp
Year: 2010

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This book includes the keynote lectures written by international renowned researchers and specialists which reflect the state-of-the-practice on the topics discussed on Ground Improvement Technologies and Case Histories. It is heartening to note that 94 papers from 22 countries are included in this book. These papers were selected after a rigorous review process and these papers provides a platform for engineers and researchers to interact and exchange experience on ground improvement technologies and share know-how from case histories.

This book covers the wide range of topics including:
• Recent Development in Ground Improvement Technologies
• Case Histories involving Major Infrastructure Projects
• Design and Analytical Methods in Ground Improvement
• Instrumentation and Monitoring in Ground Improvement
• Variability/Quality Control Issues in Ground Improvement
• Laboratory and Centrifuge Model Testing on Ground Improvement Studies, and
• Case Studies on Ground Improvement.

D T Bergado, Thailand Behavior of Deep Cement Mixing (DCM) and Stiffened Deep Cement Mixing (SDCM) Piles under Full Scale Tests and Embankment Loading
M C R Davies, New Zealand The Performance of Soil Nailed Systems
B Indraratna, Australia Soft Soil Foundation improved by Vacuum and Surcharge Preloading at Ballina Bypass, Australia
M Kitazume, Japan Ground Improvement in Tokyo/Haneda International Airport Expansion Project
H L Liu, China, New Composite Foundation Techniques For Soil Improvement In China
S Pinto, Portugal Rehabilitation and Reinforcement of Marina EXPO Breakwaters
V R Raju, Singapore Ground Improvement — Principles and Applications in Asia
S Varaksin, France: Formulation of a Concept And Realistic Soil Parameters For The Foundation Of Randomly Located Structures On A Mega Scaled Project

Readership: Civil engineers, scientists, researchers, graduates and post-graduates in geotechnical engineering. Also, it will be a useful source of reference to geotechnical engineers and professionals.