Synergetic Solutions for Sustainable Development: Prescription for Prosperity


ISBN: 81-903170-0-8 (pbk)
Pages: 318 pp
Year: 2006

100 in stock


• To review the existing knowledge on the developments that have taken place in the various aspects of the subject.
• To document the scientific achievements made in the field especially among the developing countries.
• To assess the role of industries and the need of technical education in incorporating environmental sustainability.
• To specifically identify the future area of research.
• To provide a sound scientific basis for developing appropriate policy framework and to successfully conduct the identified research areas.
• To identify the major priority areas of research and to develop suitable protocols with in a timeframe to achieve the targets.

The topics include:
• Energy and Environmental Management
• Environmental Impacts of Natural Disasters and Human Activities
• Urbanization, Solid Waste Management, Mining
• Water and Wastewater Treatment, and Reuse
• Forest, Ecology and Wildlife, and Natural Resources
• Pollution from Radioactive Substances and Radiation Biology
• Environmental Ethics and Environment Education
• Biotechnology Lectures

Readership: Researchers, Postgraduates and Undergraduates in Environmental Engineering, Waste Management, Environmental Management and Planning, and Environmental Technology and Pollution.

“This book provides a good initiation to the student into the S&T in sustainable development. By bringing together such a large number of problems within a single area, e.g. that of water, it seems clear that synergy is possible. The nature of the problems tackled and content in the papers are also varied, ranging from providing a canvas of kaleidoscopic solutions, to problem description, multiple approaches to resource management, etc. Postgraduate students in technical varsities attempting to carry out research projects in sustainable technologies or sustainable development will greatly benefit from reading this book as it provides a wide repertoire from where they can seek simulation. A good thing is that the internal debate has shifted to location-specific problems and potential solutions. This book then has the potential to spark greater local debates and the quest for local and sustainable solutions.”

—Current Science Journal, p.669 – 670, Volume 94, Issue 5, 2008,
(H. K. Chanakya, Center for Sustainable Technologies,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)