Fluid Mechanics in Industry and Environment


ISBN: 81-903170-7-5 (pbk)
Pages: 294pp
Year: 2006

100 in stock


This edited book brings a direct exchange of ideas and views to enhance the activities in the widespread applications of Fluid Mechanics in Industries and Environment. This invaluable compilation can be used in managing the problems of socio-economic importance, like Coating on the micro-electronic devices, Optical mirrors, Nuclear reactor emergency cooling system, Gas-fluid interaction, Atmospheric pollution, Maintenance of fluvial channels, Siltation in reservoirs, River sedimentation, Underground seepage, Tsunamic, Modelling of breakwater and Very large floating structures (VLFS), Natural disasters in coastal region, etc.

This book contains thirty-nine technical papers on the following themes and covers a wide spectrum of research.
• Thin Liquid Film Flow and Instability
• Multiphase Flow and Sediment Dynamics
• Flow Through Porous Media
• Water Waves, Tsunami and Related Topics

Readership: Researchers, Engineers and physicists working on fluid mechanics, applied mathematicians and geophysical fluid dynamicists, Environmental Engineering and Earth Physicists.