Keyword Index — D

Dam   GI191
data transfer   GI156
DCM/JGP grout mix pile improved soil   GI097
Deep excavation   GI097, GI019, GI155
Deep mixing   GI094
Deep soil mixing   GI197
degree of consolidation   GI154
Degree of humification   GI068
Degree of saturation   GI100
dehydration   GI089
desaturation   GI100
direct shear test   GI092
doline   GI183
dolomite   GI183, GI184
dredged soil   GI088, GI087
dredging   GI099
Dynamic compaction   GI099, GI141, GI184
Dynamic consolidation   key-Ser-ISGI09
Dynamic Replacement   GI030, key-Ser-ISGI09, GI174, GI167
dynamic response   GI152
dynamic stiffness   GI152
Dynamic surcharge   key-Ser-ISGI09