CFD Approach on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer & Applications on Multidisciplinary Areas


ISBN: 978-81-904282-6-8 (CD-ROM)
Year: Apr. 2007

100 in stock

SKU: 9788190428268 Categories: , , ,


With the recent revolution in computers and hence computational efficiency, CFD methods have become one of the most versatile tool for solving the intricacies occurring in the Fluid flow and Transport problems. It enables engineers to predict flow, heat and mass transfer in many industrial sectors e.g. aerospace, automotive industry, chemical processing etc. This workshop proceeding provides a platform for enriching the Mathematical flavor and culture in the field of CFD by crosspollination of Mathematical thoughts and numerical techniques. Many recent topics of interest will have lectures delivered by well known experts, from the premier institutes of the country and Australia. They will include:

i. Computing techniques of CFD.
ii. Grid generation.
iii. Multiphase flows.
iv. Modeling to Micro, nano and Biofluids.
v. Transport processes.

This symposium emphasize and gives an exposure to various applications of CFD techniques in multidisciplinary areas. The fluids under discussion will include viscous, homogeneous, structured fluids, Bio fluids, Micro fluids, Nano fluids etc.

Readership: Scientists, researchers, safety engineers, plants managers, practitioners and students.