Dynamics of Quiet Standing —Human and Robotic Sensory Systems to Compensate Delay Effects
G. Stepana and T. Inspergerb
Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Budapest, H-1521, Hungary.
Quiet standing is a basic problem of stabilizing a statically unstable state like the upper vertical position of an inverted pendulum. Its control is difficult and it typically leads to small stochastic or chaotic oscillations originated in the combination of two effects: time delay and sensor threshold. When (humanoid) robots carry out the same dynamic balancing, similar phenomena can be observed in the corresponding digital control system where the delay is related to the sampling time. This study investigates the effects of time delays in human and robotic balancing, and discusses simple PD control strategies form the view-point of available sensory inputs.
Keywords: Quiet standing, Delay, Stability, Chaotic oscillations, Vision, Labyrinth.
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