
The Embedded Control System of the Bath Room Odor Free Ventilation System

Hsi-Chuan Huanga, Chun-Hsien Yangb and Ming-Long Wuc

First-Third Department of Automation Engineering, Chienkuo Technology University, Changhua 500, Taiwan.


Most of the traditional bathroom ventilators which their inlet & outlet are designed and being installed on the location of the same flat surface. In other words, they are not installed at 3D configuration locations. Actually, both of their inlet & outlet are installed on same flat surface on top of the ceiling, and apparently the air stream circulation of the ventilator happened only in the space which is very nearby the ceiling. And then, there are no any possibilities to form a vertical laminar flow air stream inside of the bathroom consequently. As a result, the air stream circulation and air changes of those traditional ventilators are very poor eventually. And their efficiency of the stool odor removal or bathroom warming up is very poor of course. With regards to the main researching target equipment of this project, it has been chosen with the BROFVS (Bath Room Odor Free Ventilation System) which has been well developed by RICH INT’L LTD. since 2007. The BROFVS, which is with its air inlet and air outlet being installed in 3 D configuration locations and along with vertical laminar flow air circulating air stream, does not only have efficient air ventilation but with excellent air change functions also. And it has been proved to improve those problems and limitations existing in traditional ventilators. According to the result of the system real test which has been done under the environmental condition of a simulated showering mode for one hour, the average temperature of the bathroom has increased from 30°C to 33°C and the humidity has been decreased from 75% to 60% consequently. This research uses a wet towel for doing a simulated clothes drying performance test. And the actual test result shows that the time for towel drying of this researched system of BROFVS is around 75 minutes. While on the other hands, it needs approximately 180 minutes to completely dry a wet towel, which is with the same weight, by using a traditional bath room ventilator with heater device consequently.

The most critical feature of this research is to provide BROFVS not only with a more efficient air circulation performance and with a higher air change rate also. Owing to that, it can prevent bathroom from having any air bags being existed inside of it. And the air drying and warming up of the bathroom becomes quicker than before. And apparently, the efficiency of clothes drying and de-humidity is higher than the traditional ones also. So that, there is no any odor or stink might be smelled when people need to use the bathroom eventually. In the application, it can provide BROFVS a good competitive advantage in the sales market so as to satisfy the needs of those modern people who are looking forward to having a better living quality.

Keywords: Embedded control, Bath Room, Ventilation.

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