| Thermal Performance of Silica Tile System used for a Re-entry Mission Rony C. Varghese, P. Anoop, B. Sundar and George Joseph |

| New Experimental Data and Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Analysis of CO2 at Low Temperatures Xiumin Zhao and Pradeep Bansal |

| Prediction of Dryout and Post Dryout Behaviour of Clad Surface During Flow of Water over a Vertical Heated Rod Akhilesh Gupta, Ravi Kumar and Mukesh Kumar |

| Thermal Design Optimization of a Water-Based Condensate Particle Counter Deepak K. Veettil, Milind A. Jog and Sang Young Son |

| Investigations of Pressure and Temperature Evolutions in the Reactor Containment Building of a Fast Reactor After a Core Disruptive Accident M. Rajendrakumar, K. Velusamy, P. Selvaraj, P. Chellapandi and S. C. Chetal |

| Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Across a Triangular Cylinder Amit Kumar Dhiman |

| Pressure Drop and Deposition Rate in Chemical Vapor Deposition — A Theoretical Study on Effect of System Parameters Chilla Jayaprakash Reddy, Vedula Dharma Rao, Vemula Murali Krishna, Pisipaty Srinivas Kishore, Tunuguntla Subrahmanyam and Korada Vishwanadha Sharma |

| Transient Behaviour of Three-Fluid Crossflow Heat Exchanger: The Effect of Flow Non-Uniformities Manish Mishra |

| Thermal Design of C1XS Payload Onboard Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft Neeraj Kumar Satya, Alok Shrivastava, M. N. S. Padmaja, S. G. Barve and K. Badari Narayana |

| Thermal Design Evolution and Flight Performance of LLRI for Chandrayaan-1 Spacecraft Neeraj Kumar Satya, Alok Shrivastava, M. N. S. Padmaja, S. G. Barve and K. Badari Narayana |

| Heat Transfer Modeling and CFD Simulation of Plate Type Heat Exchangers R. S. Kushwaha, Sachin Pawar, Tejaskumar Shah and S. Krishnan |

| Characterization of Sodium Cross Flow Over Hexagonal Subassemblies U. Partha Sarathy, T. Sundararajan, C. Balaji and K. Velusamy |

| Hot Rolling of Steel Strip in Presence of Spray Impingement Cooling Shambhunath Barman, Nilkanta Barman, Achintya Mukhopadhyay and Swarnendu Sen |

| Neural Network Based Approach for Prediction of Temperature Profiles in a Natural Circulation Reboiler M. A. Hakeem and M. Kamil |

| Commissioning of Process Instrumentation for Containment Studies Facility (CSF) N. V. Gole, V. M. Shanware and R. K. Singh |

| Thermal Hydraulic Studies of Compact High Temperature Reactor A. Borgohain, N. K. Maheshwari, P. K. Vijayan, D. Saha and R. K. Sinha |

| CFD Analysis of a Hydraulic Valve Anu Dutta, P. Goyal, R. K. Singh and A. K. Ghosh |

| Study on Wall to Bed Heat Transfer Characteristics in the Upper Splash Region of Cold Circulating Fluidized Bed Risers Ranjit S. Patil, Manmohan Pandey and Pinakeswar Mahanta |

| Thermal Hydraulic Investigation of Sodium-Air Heat Exchanger U. Partha Sarathy, K. Velusamy, P. Selvaraj, P. Chellapandi and S. C. Chetal |

| On Investigation of Cutting Forces in Electrochemical Grinding (ECG) Process While Machining Die-Steel Goutam Bose, Tarun K. Jana and Souren Mitra |

| Heat Sink Assisted Thermo-Electric Cooling for Thermal Management in Electronics Atul Wadhwa, Sanjeev Jain and Naresh Bhatnagar |

| Numerical Prediction of Asymmetric Natural Convection in a Narrow Vertical Annulus Closed at Top and Open at Bottom V. Arun Kumar, E. Jabir and S. Anil Lal |

| The Dynamics of Gas Bubbles in a Co-Flowing Liquid Ambience I. Chakraborty, G. Biswas and P. S. Ghoshdastidar |

| Study of Stability Behaviour of Single Phase Natural Circulation Loop Using Nanofluids P. P. Kulkarni, A. K. Nayak and M. K. Dhiman |

| Studies on Stability Behaviour of a Boiling Two-Phase Natural Circulation Loop with Al2O3 Nanofluid A. K. Nayak, P. P. Kulkarni and P. K. Vijayan |

| Numerical Analysis of Flow and Shear Stress Distribution of Saccular Intracranial Aneurysms Arising at Various Angles to the Parent Artery Arun Pundi Ramu and Wang Guo-Xiang |

| Subchannel Analysis of Critical and Subcritical Core of a High Flux Research Reactor Samiran Sengupta, Tej Singh, P. K. Vijayan, K. Sasidhran and V. K. Raina |

| Effect of Aspect Ratio of Landmine on Thermal Signatures in Landmine Detection Prasun Kumar Nag, K. Murugesan and Andallib Tariq |

| Effect of Non-Newtonian Rheology on Heat Transfer from a Square Cylinder in Unsteady Flow Regime Akhilesh K. Sahu, Raj P. Chhabra and V. Eswaran |

| Heat Transfer to Power-Law Pseudo-Plastic Fluids Over a Square Cylinder Amit Kumar Dhiman |

| A Numerical Study of Water Ingression Phenomena in Melt Pool Coolability Raj Kumar Singh, Arun Kumar Nayak, Parimal P. Kulkarni, P. K. Vijayan and D. Saha |

| Heat Transfer from a Circular Cylinder in the Unsteady Flow Regime Amit Kumar Dhimana and Ravi Golani |

| Experimental Study on Distribution of Acetylene and Soot in Propane/Air Triple Flames Kunja B. Sahu, Amitava Datta, Swarnendu Sen and Amitava Sarkar |

| Boiling Heat Transfer of R-134a and M09 Refrigerant Mixture in a Stratified Flow – A Comparison Under Varied Heat Flux Condition B. Raja, D. Mohan Lal and R. Saravanan |

| Performance and Optimum Design Analysis of an Unbaffled Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchanger Consisting of Longitudinal Finned Tubes: A Comparative Study B. Kundu, R. P. Sahu, D. Sinha and B. K. Pal |

| Investigation of Flow and Temperature Distributions Around Neutron Detector Housing in Control Plug R. Gajapathy, K. Velusamy, P. Selvaraj, P. Chellapandi and S. C. Chetal |

| Experimental Investigation of Effect of Entrainment on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Multiple Heated Impinging Jets O. S. Gokhale and R. P. Vedula |

| Post-Test Analysis of 10% Hot Leg Break LOCA of LSTF Using RELAP5/MOD3.2 Samiran Sengupta, S. K . Dubey, K. Sasidhran, S. K. Gupta and V. K. Raina |

| Evaluation of Pin Fin Cooling Geometries for Turbine Blade Trailing Edge Kapil Panchal, Pritish Parida and Srinath Ekkad |

| Three-Tier Impingement Cooling Scheme for Heat Transfer Enhancement at the Trailing Edge of a Turbine Blade Pritish R. Parida, Kapil Panchal and Srinath V. Ekkad |

| Thermal Analysis of Scheffler Cavity Receiver for Temperature Distribution and Heat Losses During Solar Period B. S. Gawali, A. G. Kawade and G. S. Deshpande |

| Analysis of CSF Model for a Simulated Loss of Coolant Accident Conditions I. Thangamani, Anu Dutta, Vishnu Verma, R. K. Singh and A. K. Ghosh |

| Bubble Entrapment Phenomena in Liquids Bahni Ray, Gautam Biswas and Ashutosh Sharma |

| Qualified Post Test Transient Analysis for Station Blackout in PSB VVER Integral Test Facility S. K. Dubey, Samiran Sengupta and S. K. Gupta |

| Uniform Surface Temperature Cooling of Wire Rod Using Aqueous Surfactant Solutions V. M. Wasekar, S. K. Ajmani, P. S. Mandley, J. K. Singh, C. Thakur, S . Singh and W. Singh |

| Entropy Generation Due to Flow and Heat Transfer in Nanofluids Pawan K. Singh, K. B. Anoop, T. Sundararajan and Sarit K. Das |

| Experimental and CFD Analysis of Enhancement of Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Circular Tube Using Mesh Inserts in Turbulent Region Naga S. Sarada, A. V. S. Raju and Kalyani K. Radha |

| Synthesis of Hen in Case of Unequal Heat Transfer Coefficient, Multiple Utilities and Non-Uniform Heat Exchanger Specification Using Genetic Algorithms: Continuous Targeting N. K. Chavda and P. Prabhakaran |

| An Experimental Study on the Effect of the Energy Storage Materials in Solar Still T. V. Arjunan, H. S. Aybar and N. Nedunchezhian |

| Unsteady Heat Transfer Across a Triangular Cylinder Amit Kumar Dhiman and Radhe Shyam |

| Performance Improvement of Flat Plate Solar Air Heater — A Numerical Study Addisu Bekele, Sushanta Dutta and Manish Mishra |

| Comparative Performance Study of Refrigerants for Future RAC Applications S. S. Kachhwaha, R. S. Mishra and Vaibhav Jain |