Hot Rolling of Steel Strip in Presence of Spray Impingement Cooling
Shambhunath Barmana, Nilkanta Barmanb, Achintya Mukhopadhyayc and Swarnendu Send
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700 032, India.
In the present work, the heat transfer behavior during hot rolling of a steel strip in presence of spray impingement cooling is predicted numerically. The cooling process is represented by an unsteady energy conservation equation where an effective heat transfer coefficient is considered based on jet and product velocities for spray-surface interaction. The numerical simulation is performed using finite volume method and predicts the distribution of temperature during processing. Subsequently, the effects of process parameters, such as jet velocity and product velocity, on the temperature distribution and cooling rate are studied. It is found that cooling is more effective at low strip velocity. It is also found that the jet velocity weakly affects the temperature distribution.
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