Plenary | Session: Resilience analysis and optimization for interconnected or distributed systems: use cases and methodological contributions from the chair RRSC
Professor Anne Barros, Professor in Reliability and Maintenance Modelling at Ecole CentraleSupélec, University of Paris-Saclay
| Talk: Early and effective safety/cybersecurity analysis – getting started with STPA
Stephen Porter , VP Americas/EMEA, at VWAY Corporation
Plenary | Session: Seismic risk and resilience of civil infrastructure: Towards the reconciliation of time and space
Professor Iunio Iervolino, Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and at IUSS of Pavia
Plenary | Session: Risk-aware autonomous systems for safe and intelligent decision making
Professor Ingrid Utne, Professor, Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Plenary | Session: Effects of offshore safety case regulations on vessel/platform collision incidents
Professor Jin Wang, Professor in Maritime Technology at John Moores University of Liverpool
| Talk
Dr. Todd Paulos , NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
| Talk
Professor Jan Erik Vinnem, Emeritous Professor at NTNU on Maritime Safety