Proceedings of the
The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
3 – 8 September 2023, Southampton, UK
Plenary Session
Resilience analysis and optimization for interconnected or distributed systems: use cases and methodological contributions from the chair RRSC
Professor in Reliability and Maintenance Modelling at Ecole CentraleSupélec,
University of Paris-Saclay
The R3 Group created in 2020 at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay is developing research activities for risk, resilience and reliability analysis of complex engineered systems. Our models are mainly based on stochastic processes and data-driven approaches with a strong focus on optimization and uncertainties quantification for decision-making in design and operation. We are strongly connected to several industry partners with the chair Risk and Resilience of Complex Systems (RRCS), supported by the French national power supplier (Électricité de France - EDF), the French national Telecom supplier (Orange), and the French national Railway Company (Société nationale des chemins de fer français- SNCF). This is an arena to define study cases, share knowledge data and experiences, develop methods, and implement benchmarks and prototypes of tools. The objective of this keynote is to give you an overview of 4 years of activity within the R3 group and the RRSC chair in the field of resilience analysis and optimization. This overview will cover practical problems raised by the three industry partners, methodological contributions of the research group and implementation on use cases.
Anne Barros, PHD, is professor in reliability and maintenance modelling at Ecole CentraleSupélec, University of Paris-Saclay, France. Her research focus is on degradation modelling, prognostics, condition based and predictive maintenance. She got a PHD then a professorship position at University of Technology of Troyes, France (2003-2014) and spent five years as a full- time professor at NTNU, Norway (2014-2019). She is currently heading the Risk Resilience and Reliability Group (R3 Group – and holding an industrial Chair at CentraleSupélec (Chaire RRSC) with the ambition to improve resilience assessment and maintenance modelling methods for complex systems.