Proceedings of the
The 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023)
3 – 8 September 2023, Southampton, UK
Plenary Talk
Reviewing 50 years’ experience in Norwegian risk governance
Emeritous Professor at NTNU on Maritime Safety
2023 is the 50 years anniversary for systematic risk management in Norway, with the publication of a small book titled ‘Risk analysis, description of hazards as input to decision-making’ in 1973, 2years ahead of the US WASH-1400, which was a cornerstone for risk assessment in the nuclear power plants in US. The presentation will review the status of risk management in Norway, with emphasis on offshore petroleum, and look into the crystal ball with respect to upcoming offshore energy production, mainly from wind turbines.
Professor Jan Erik Vinnem has written over eight textbooks on systems safety. He has published over 200 research articles in high ranked journals such as Safety Science and Risk Analysis. His research interests are on risk-informed decision-making in offshore petroleum; barrier management & indicators in offshore petroleum; operational & on-line risk analysis; autonomous offshore petroleum production facilities.