
“A good researcher knows something about everything and everything about something“. Both componentsof this sentence have equal importance, but when we talk about advances in engineering and technology, the second component of the sentence becomes more important.

Today in the age of Internet, the researchers know something about everything, but they are somewhere lagging behind in the second component. To promote the second component in the fields of engineering and technology; the IDES, ACEECom, AMAE and ACEE have been jointly organizing the International Conferences AET, ComNet and PCIE 2014 with a common title Computer Science, Communication and Instrumentation Devices which covers all main streams of engineering and technology.

This time also, we have an overwhelming response from the international research community. We received a total of 250 research papers. Our peer review team was very much conscious about the second component, that is, quality of the papers and only 35 papers could qualify the criteria set by our review team.All the selected papers, somehow, reflect aspects of advancement in engineering and technology. The researchers whose papers did not fit in our criteria were informed about the shortcomings and were provided suggestions to improve further by our review team.

I, on behalf of organizers, take the opportunity to thank all authors and delegates for enriching this international conference with their valuable research findings. I am very thankful to the members of the review committee for their critical evaluation of the papers and providing suggestions. I will fail in my duty if I don’t express my thankfulness to the various programme committee chairs who have made this event successful. Lastly, I heartily thank all those who have supported this conference directly or indirectly.

Wish all the participantsa pleasant outing to the beautiful city Cochin and hope they will keep this event in their memory for a long time.

Dr. Harish Rohil
Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University India