Speaker Name Dr. Evgeny Khorov
Title IEEE 802.11ah, an Enabling Technology for the Internet of Things. How Does it Work?


Dr. Evgeny Khorov is a Senior Researcher in the Network Protocols Research Lab, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences. In parallel, he lectures on Wireless Networking Protocols, and Mathematical Modeling of Wireless Networks in the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a leading Russian University. His current research interests include Internet of Things, channel access, QoS provisioning, multi-hop wireless networks, performance evaluation. He has developed several mathematical models of networking protocols. Also he is a co-author of routing protocols developed for scalable mesh and military networks. He has been involved in several national and international research projects. Apart from that, he participates in the IEEE 802 LMSC standardization activities. Evgeny Khorov has more than 30 research papers, which have received several awards at the international conferences (e.g. Best Paper Award at IEEE ISWCS-2012, Paris). Also Evgeny Khorov has been awarded the 2013 Moscow Prize in the field of Telecommunications for the study of channel access methods in multi-hop wireless networks. He is Executive Chair of WiFlex 2013 and Co-chair of ITaS 2014. Also he serves as a reviewer of high-reputed scientific journals.


Smart technologies play a key role in sustainable economic growth. They transform houses, offices, factories, and even cities into autonomic, self-controlled systems acting often without human intervention and thus sparing him doing routine caused by information collecting and processing. Some analysts forecast that by 2020 the total number of smart devices connected together in a network, called Internet of Things (IoT), will reach 50000000000. Apparently, the best way to connect such a huge number of devices is wireless. Unfortunately, the state-of-the-art wireless technologies cannot provide connectivity for such a huge number of devices, most of which are battery supplied. 3GPP, IEEE and other international organizations are currently adapting their standards to the emerging IoT market. For example, the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) has formed IEEE 802.11ah Task Group (TGah) to extend the applicability area of the IEEE 802.11 networks by designing an energy efficient protocol allowing thousands of indoor and outdoor devices working at the same area. In this tutorial, we will focus on very promising revolutionary changes introduced by TGah and adopted in November 2013 as the first draft standard of the Low Power Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11ah) technology. From the tutorial, you will learn how IEEE 802.11ah operates. Also we will pay attention to some research challenges in this area.