Keynote Speaker

Speaker Name Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamy
Title of Talk Network Functions Virtualization Research – Emerging Directions


Dr. Dilip Krishnaswamyreceived his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1997. He is a senior researcher at IBM Research Labs in Bangalore, India. He was a Platform Architect at Intel from 1997-2006, and a senior staff researcher at the Qualcomm Research Center in San Diego, California from 2006-2013. He served as the Associate Editor-in-chief of the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine from 2009-2013. He served as general chair of DCPerf 2014, and ICDCN2014. He is currently serving as Exec chair for IEEE Globecom 2015, and General chair for ICDCN 2015. His current research interests include distributed data centers, network functions virtualization, distributed services, smarter planet systems, cognitive systems, and nano-networks.

Talk description
Network Functions Virtualization is an emerging area of research that enables hardware appliances in networks to be replaced by software appliances in data centers. The talk will discuss various emerging research directions in this area such as policy-based resource management, data center resource optimization, viral content management, security in NFV systems, and open interfaces for information exchange in such systems.