Message from Organising Committee Chairman
On behalf of the Organising Committee, it is my pleasant duty to
welcome all delegates to OSV Singapore 2011, the 4th international
conference on technology and operation of offshore support vessels, to
be jointly organised with The Joint Branch of the RINA and the IMarEST
(Singapore) along with Centre for Offshore Research and Engineering
(CORE)/NUS and Newcastle University Marine International (NUMI) —
Singapore. The OSV Singapore 2011 marks another milestone reached
in the last eight years as a platform for exchange of ideas for innovation
and technology development for the OSV community in Singapore
and all over the world.
The Organising Committee wishes to apologise to all authors and speakers for the short notice given for its first call of paper which went out in March 2011 with a tight closing date of 11 April 2011. However despite the late start the response from the authors had been wonderful. The Organising Committee records our thanks to all the authors and speakers, who are participating in OSV Singapore 2011, for without their contribution it would not be possible to hold this conference.
The Organising Committee also wish to thank all the sponsors for giving financial support to this conference, in particular our platinum sponsors Keppel Singmarine Pte Ltd, Wartsila Singapore Pte Ltd, Otto Marine Ltd; gold sponsors Lloyd’s Register Asia, ABB Pte Ltd, PG Marine and advertisers Bureau Veritas Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd and HATLAPA Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
The Organising Committee also wishes to record our thanks to all those who have helped in making this conference a success but whose names have not been mentioned.
Finally, I like to thank all the Members of the Organising Committee whose combined efforts brought together the OSV Singapore 2011 Conference and Exhibition!
Thank you!
Chairman, Organising Committee of “OSV Singapore 2011” &
Director, Centre of Innovation, Marine and Offshore Technology,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore