New Theory of Consolidation Through Radial Drainage for Soft Soils
A. V. Shroff and M. V. Shah
Applied Mechanics Department, Faculty of Tech. & Engg., KalaBbhavan, The M.S. University of Baroda, Gujarat, Vadodara 390001, India
The aim of the present paper is to present the new theory of one-dimensional consolidation of saturated soft clay with radial pore water pressure dissipation under constant magnitude of constant pressure using central vertical drain. Shroff and Shah (2006) proposed a new mathematical theory whose general solution directly gives a clue to design engineers for selection of most economical drain. This theoretical treatment incorporates non-homogeneity, time effects intrinsic to the soil skeleton along with physico-chemical changes, compressibility of pore fluid and solid, variation of compressibility and permeability during consolidation, type of the drain material, tortousity effect, kh/kv ratio under load variation, effect of “n” value (drain diameter) and drainage path. The lump parameter (λ) incorporates above all factors. The isochrones for best optimum lumped parameter found for each drain and it was observed that theoretical degree of consolidation and experimental degree of consolidation are fitting nearly with each other. The curve having appropriate values of lumped parameter (λ) coincides with curve reflecting above various physicochemical factors.
Keywords: Consolidation; radial flow; prefabricated vertical geodrain; experimental model; theoretical model with lumped parameter (λ).
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