Consolidation Control of Improved Reclamaimd Clay Ground by Cone Penetration Test
Hideki Yoshida1, Masaaki Katagiri2,a and Masaaki Terashi2,b
1Service Center of Port Engineering, (formerly Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, MLIT), 1-4 Hayabusa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0064, Japan.
2Niken Sekkei, 1-4-27 Koraku, Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo 112-0004, Tokyo.
In this paper, the consolidation control method for the construction of new Kita-Kyushu Airport is introduced. This project was jointed with the dredging of seabed in the sea route and construction of airport. After dredged marine clays filled the disposal pond up, the installation of vertical drains for ground improvement was started. During filling of dredged clay, soil particles were sorted in the pond, and reclaimed clay ground became heterogeneous. Therefore the uneven settlement of such a reclaimed clay layer was inevitable and consolidation control became important. To understand soil profile in the huge reclaimed dredged clay ground, 89 points of CPT were performed after spreading sand mat. Using CPT data, the consolidation model such as real thickness of clay layer was reconstituted. Using local settlement data obtained from settlement plates, the identification of local consolidation constant and prediction of local settlement were performed. To evaluate the consolidation degree of improved ground, the several CPTs were then performed.
Keywords: Consolidation control; cone penetration test (CPT); reclaimed clay ground.
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