Non-Linear Theory of Consolidation of Thick Clay Layer by PVD
P. Ayub Khana, M. R. Madhavb and E. Saibaba Reddyc
Department of Civil Engineering, J. N. T. U. College of Engineering, Hyderabad, 500 085, India.
This paper presents a theory for radial consolidation of a thick layer of clay considering linear void ratio-log effective stress relationship but assuming the coefficient of consolidation to be constant. The consolidation equation is solved numerically by the finite difference method considering the variation of initial in-situ stress with depth. The degree of settlement is independent of the final to initial stress ratio while the degree of dissipation of pore pressure is not and decreases with increase of magnitude of the stress ratio. Dissipation of excess pore pressure due to radial drainage varies not only with time but also with depth (being relatively much less at shallow depths compared to the values at greater depths) in contrast to depth independent pore pressures from the conventional theory for radial consolidation.
Keywords: Consolidation; radial flow; vertical drains; non-linear theory; thick layer.
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