
Plenary Advancing Design in Powder Mixing
Presenter Prof. John Bridgwater, Cambridge University, UK

Prof. John Bridgwater studied chemical engineering at the University of Cambridge and Princeton University. He then spent three years working in chemical engineering design before returning to the Department of Chemical Engineering at Cambridge, then led by P V Danckwerts, to teach design. However, in 1964 research started to develop in another direction when he began work to understand the mixing of coarse granular materials and powders. Subsequently he held an Esso Senior Research Fellowship at Hertford College, Oxford and then a University Lecturership in Engineering Science and Lubbock Fellowship at Balliol College, all part of the University of Oxford. A professorship followed at the University of Birmingham where he became Head of Chemical Engineering and Dean of the Engineering Faculty. In 1993 he returned to Cambridge to be Shell Professor, the position once held by Danckwerts and is now Professor Emeritus. He has worked widely with industry and served on many Government Committees, has been President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and, for 22 years, was Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering Science. Recent research interests include paste flow and extrusion, attrition during solids flow and still, after over 45 years, the mixing of coarse granular materials and powders.

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