
Keynote Electrostatics and Particle Technology
Presenter Prof. Shuji Matsusaka, Kyoto University, Japan

Professor Shuji Matsusaka received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Hiroshima University in 1981 and 1983 respectively. He received his Ph.D. from Kyoto University in 1993. He was Lecturer, Associate Professor and is currently Professor of Chemical Engineering at Kyoto University. He is also the Director of the Society of Powder Technology of Japan, Director of the Institute of Electrostatics of Japan, Director of the Japan Association of Aerosol Science and Technology and Vice-President of the International Federation of Measurement and Control of Granular Materials. Some of the scientific awards that he has received include the Best Paper Award by the Imaging Society of Japan, Best Paper Award by the Society of Powder Technology of Japan and the Distinguished Achievements Award by the Information Center of Particle Technology of Japan. His research interests include fundamentals and applications of particle electrification, evaluation of adhesion and flowability of particles and handling of submicron and nanoparticles.

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