Efficient Protocol for Fair Exchange of Data Over Internet
Geeta M. Arwindekar and Prashant Y. Itankar
Lecturer, Datta Meghe College of Engineering, Airoli.
With internet making headway into the lives of people throughout the world, selling products or services online allows companies to reach out on a global scale for unprecedented market growth. Now even small to midsized companies have the ability to sell their goods and services by targeting a larger market than ever before. For customers, purchasing products from an online store will be as easy as clicking a mouse. However, the main problems related to ecommerce are those that concern security. The fairness of data exchange becomes a key factor for the transaction over the Internet. Trust is foundation of every business deal. In normal business transactions, the contract papers provide this trust and security. How can this be ensured on the Web? To ensure the fairness of data exchange, a fair-exchange protocol based on off-line semi-trusted third party has presented in this paper. The protocol employs an off-line semi-trusted third party, where a flexible method for selecting a
semitrusted third party is proposed. Also, the proposed protocol is extended to Web services so that it can be used for main parties in different platforms.
Keywords: Digital certificate, Encryption, Authentication, Communication.
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