N. Yasar Arfath and M. Imranullah
IV CSE, C.Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Tech, Vellore.
Information is power, nowhere is this truer than on the battlefield, where the ability to communicate clearly and rapidly pass on information spells the difference between survival and death? 4G (4th Generation) is the technology that is going to drive a soldier in the field in future. The key to empowering the military with tactical broadband voice, video and data is 4G communications technology. This technology adopts Wireless technology on the platform of fixed networks, Advanced antennae technologies and More advanced wireless security technologies. Next thing is about the gear for the future warrior. Our system provides a enhanced power of vision, which provides Ground Guidance, Unit Detection, Soldier Status, Target Hand-Off and provides the Soldier Rescue during the battle. The uniform along with the armor, onboard computer which will monitor soldiers’ overall physiological and psychological picture of how they are performing in the battle zone and enhanced human performance which weighs 50 pounds from head to toe against 120 pounds of the current day system present.
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