Ontology based Web Page Annotation for Effective Information Retrieval
S. Kalarani1 and G. V. Uma2
1Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai-119, India
2CSE, Anna University, Chennai-20, India
Today’s World Wide Web has large volume of data – billions of documents. So it is a time consuming process to discover effective knowledge from the input data. With today’s keyword approach the amount of time and effort required to find the right information is directly proportional to the amount of information on the web. The web has grown exponentially and people are forced to spend more and more time in search for the information they are looking for. Lack of personalization as well as inability to easily separate commercial from non-commercial searches is among other limitations of today’s web search technologies. This paper proposes a prototype relation-based search engine. “OntoLook” which has been designed in a virtual semantic web environment. The architecture has been proposed. The Semantic Web is well recognized as an effective infrastructure to enhance visibility of knowledge on the Web. The core of the Semantic Web is “Ontology”, which is used to explicitly represent our conceptualizations. Ontology engineering in the Semantic Web is primarily supported by languages such as RDF, RDFS and OWL. This paper discusses the requirements of ontology in the context of the Web, compares the above three languages with existing knowledge representation formalisms, and surveys tools for managing and applying ontology. Advantages of using ontology in both knowledge-base-style and database-style applications are demonstrated using one real world applications.
Keywords: Semantic web, Ontolook, OWL, RDF, RDFS, Knowledge base.

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