
Trackside Auxiliaries - The Pros and Cons of System-wide Approach and Section Approach

Charlie Cheng1, Emil Cheung2, Chris Chan3, Ang Kok Wee4 and Melvyn Thong5

1Technical Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff Asia Ltd, Hong Kong.

2Project Director, Parsons Brinckerhoff Asia Ltd, Hong Kong.

3Senior Associate, Parsons Brinckerhoff Asia Ltd, Hong Kong.

4Assistant Manager (Mechanical Services), Land Transport Authority, Singapore.

5Deputy Director (Mechanical & Electrical), Land Transport Authority, Singapore.


This paper discusses the design and construction issues of trackside auxiliaries inside underground tunnels. The trackside auxiliaries are extensions of the station/ancillary building M&E services. The trackside also provides a route for the system-wide cable distribution along the tunnel. The two commonly used approaches for the delivery of the trackside auxiliaries are either to engage a system-wide designer and award a system-wide construction contract or to engage multiple section designers and contractors to perform the work. Two recent Asian subway projects, namely Project A and Project B which used the above delivery methods are reviewed and compared to examine the pros and cons of the two delivery methods, and concluded that both approaches work perfectly well depending on what objectives the project plans to achieve.

Keywords: Trackside auxiliaries, Tunnel, System-wide.

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