International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures (IJALS)
Volume 3 Number 1 (2013)doi: 10.3850/S201042862013000550
A Design Guide of Double-Layer Cellular Claddings for Blast Alleviation
Hefei, Anhui 230026, PR China.
This paper presents a method for the design of a Double-Layer Cellular Cladding (DLCC) serving as a protective function against blast load. Two configurations of DLCCs are considered, i.e. cladding with cellular cores of identical density (Cladding-1) and cladding with a higher density cellular core layer close to the blast load (Cladding-2). Shock wave propagations in the two DLCCs are investigated by using a one-dimensional shock model. Single shock front propagates in Cladding-1, while double shock fronts propagate in Cladding-2. A closed-form solution of the critical thickness, which is the minimum thickness required to fully absorb blast load, is given for Cladding-1. Response features of Cladding-2 are analyzed and then the critical thickness of Cladding-2 is determined by optimizing the layer thicknesses. It is demonstrated that, with equal mass of the cover plates, a SLCC is always more efficient than Cladding-1, while Cladding-2 can be more efficient than a SLCC. A design method for Cladding-2 against blast load is further presented. Comparison between the cell-based FE results and the analytical predictions is generally good. The difference in the comparison is analyzed through distribution of strain of Cladding-2 measured by the strain field calculation method.
Keywords: Blast alleviation, Double-layer cellular cladding, Shock wave propagation, Strain distribution, Voronoi honeycomb.