International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures (IJALS)
Volume 2 Number 4 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201042861200044X
On The Axial Crushing Behavior of a Thin-Walled
Cylindrical Shell With a Hollow Foam Core
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An experimental study consisting of 48 quasi-static tests on the axial crushing of a thin-walled (D/h > 600) cylindrical aluminium alloy 3104-H19 shell filled with a hol- low aluminium foam core is presented. Percentage of infill, foam density and the shell diameter,which are the main parameters,are investigated. Based on the experiments, corresponding finite element simulations are performed, and a crushable foam material model is found suitable for the considered problems. A good correlation is observed between experiments and simulations.The proposed F.E. model can be considered as a valuable tool in assessing and understanding the deformation/failure mechanism and predicting its response under axial crushing.
Keywords: Axial crushing, Compliant core, Cylindrical shell, Thin-walled tube.