Technical Program

Application of Nonlinear Acoustics for Detection of Biological Anomalies
Grant Ellis

Background Subtraction based Application: City Decorative Plantings’ Preservation
Aidar Zhetessov and Dauren Tlekov

CFD Modeling of Blood Seggregation and Cells Damage in Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD’s)
Luis R. Rojas-Solórzano

Control of Automobile Audiosystem by Gestures
Abuzhan Aidaraliyev and Dauren Leskhan

Drawing Using Web Camera — Object Recognition and Object Tracking
Aidana Massalimova and Zarina Amantayeva

Electronic Attendance Using Face Recognition
Alimzhan Sultangazin and Janysbek Kusmangaliyev

Evaluation of Memristor Emulator for Memristor Circuit Applications in SPICE Simulator
Yerzhan Sapenova and Nursultan Ornov

Gate-Diffusion Input (GDI) Technique for Low Power CMOS Logic Circuits Design
Yerkebulan Saparov and Aktanberdi Zhakupov

Intelligent Mirror — Personalized Advertisement
Ratbek Zhapparov and Magauiya Zhussip

Maze Solving by Memristive Network
Yernar Bainazar and Ruslan Tazhkenov

Memristor-based Relaxation Oscillators Using Digital Gates
Yerkhan Sapiyev and Azamat Utekeyev

Memristor Spice Model and Its Applications to Circuit Simulation of Memory Cells
BekishevDanyiar and Kapan Arman

Simulation and Analysis of Reconfigurable Threshold Logic Gates Using Memristive Devices
Alfiya Kulmukhanova and Abduvakhit Junussov

Simulation of Full Adder Design using Hybrid Memristor-CMOS based Technology
Yerden Kypshakpayev and Kuatbek Mukabak

Simulation of Memristive Threshold Logic Cell
Rizukov Yerlan and Ryskaliyev Aibek

Simulation of the Generic Memristive Circuit Model with Parasitic Components
Saltanat Salpenova and Merey Balgabayev

Simulation of Pinched Hysteresis Loops of Two Memristor SPICE Models
Akzharkyn Izbassarova and Daulet Kengesbek

The Development of Object Recognition Application to Automatically Count the Number of Passengers Entering the Bus
Serikbolsyn Myrzakhmet and Abzal Adilzhan

The Memristor Circuits and Applications
Alex Pappachen James

The Model of TiO2 Metal-Oxide-Metal Memristor based on Device’s Physical Parameters
Rassul Bairamkulov

The Real-Time Heart Rate Monitoring Using Fingertip and Its Application in Health Care
Nurbolat Aimakov and Diana Sadykova

The Representation of Memristor Model in MATLAB® and Simulink® Environment
Sanzhar Askaruly and Baktiyar Rakhmetov

Traffic Light Recognition System for People with Color Blindness
Timur Ibrayev and Radkhan Sarmukhanov

Translational Biomechanics in Glaucoma
Match Wai Lun Ko

Vehicle Detecting, Tracking and Counting for Traffic Control Systems
Kamilla Aliakhmet and Temirlan Zharkynbek

WBC Identification and Counting — Detection and Counting of White Blood Cells in Blood Test
Dauken Seitkali and Madiyar Bazylkhanov