Creativity and Leisure: An Intercultural and Cross-disciplinary (CLICJ)
Volume 1 Number 2 (2012)doi: 10.3850/S201046932012000287
Towards Cross-disciplinary Creativity
This paper presents three terms used in cross-disciplinarity. Multidisciplinarity is regarded as collaboration within a discipline doing parallel tasks toward a common goal (collaboration in the form of coordination). Interdisciplinarity requires cooperation toward the same goal across one or two disciplines, with some effort in defining common goals. While researchers who engage in multidisciplinarity work in parallel or sequential from disciplinary specific base to address common problem, researchers who engage in interdisciplinarity work jointly but from disciplinary specific basis to address common problem. Transdisciplinarity concerns working jointly using a shared conceptual framework drawing upon disciplinary specific theories, concepts and approaches to address common problem. The paper also discusses criteria of cross-disciplinary inquiry into creativity research for serving the good.
Keywords: Creativity, Cross-disciplinarity, The good, Inquiry, and Criteria.