Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM)
Volume 3 Number 2 (2011)doi: 10.3850/S1793924011000770
Identifying Shape Characteristics of Streamflow Hydrograph and Its Components
This study investigates the characteristics of hydrograph components based on flood disaster mitigation. Component hydrographs were modeled by a model of three serial tanks with one parallel tank. Mean rainfall was calculated using the block Kriging method. The seven parameters were calibrated using the shuffled complex evolution optimal algorithm and 38 events. Based on the analytical results, the findingswere obtained: (1) For single-peak events, times to peak of hydrograph components are an increasing power correlation corresponding to peak time of rainfall; (2) The peak discharges of hydrograph components are linearly proportional to that of total runoff; the ratio for quick runoff is approximately 83% and 17% for the slow runoff; and (3) Relationships of total discharges also have direct ratios between hydrograph components and observed total runoffs; a quick runoff is 52% and 27% for a slow runoff. The remaining discharge is baseflow.
Keywords: Block Kriging; linear reservoir; streamflow components; hydrograph shape.