Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM)
Volume 3 Number 1 (2011)doi: 10.3850/S1793924011000605
Engineering of Non-engineered Masonry Houses for Better Earthquake Resistance in Indonesia
Brick masonry is the most utilized building material in the non-engineered buildings in Indonesia which includes the people's ordinary housing and many public buildings such as schools and health facilities. The submitted implementation technology is useful in improving their safety from earthquake hazards, through a series of processes which include analyzing and devising techniques to strengthen the masonry buildings and a way to ensure that the method is properly implemented in the field by the concerned parties. The anticipated users of this implementation technology are municipalities, NGO/NPO project managers and staff, international organizations (UN organizations and programs, WB, ADRC, EC, etc.), commercial entrepreneurs, experts, architects, engineers, builders, masons, and technicians. Other users include motivated researchers and local residents.
Keywords: Rural, Urban, Non-engineered buildings, Earthquake, Damage analysis, Implementation oriented technology (IOT), Process technology (PT).