Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM)

Volume 2 Number 2 (2010)

Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management 2010 2 2

doi: 10.3850/S179392402010000244

Environmental Management and Disaster Risk Reduction: Re-Imagining Public–Private Partnerships

Sunil D. Santha
Department of Social Work, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Clappana P.O., Kollam 690525, India.


Public — Private Partnerships (PPP) are often advocated as a tool for good governance in environmental management. However, traditional means of conceptualizing PPPs have neglected the role of communities affected by environmental problems. This paper argues that this has often resulted in culturally insensitive and unsustainable projects and partnerships. Any mechanism for good governance should encompass people’s rights, and lack of participation of communities in PPPs violates these elements. Using the political economy model of vulnerability and natural disasters, this paper suggests appropriate strategies to improvise PPPs in environmental governance and disaster risk reduction.

Keywords: Public-private partnership (PPP), Environment, Governance, Vulnerability, Disasters.

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