Asian Journal of Environment and Disaster Management (AJEDM)

Volume 1 Number 1 (2009)

doi: 10.3850/S179392402009000064

Collaborative Post Tsunami Action Research: Lessons and Reflections

Rajib Shaw1,a, Yukiko Takeuchi1,b, R. R. Krishnamurthy2, Krishna S. Pribadi3
and Rekha Nianthi4
1Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies,Kyoto University,
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606 8501, Japan
2Department of Applied Geology, University of Madras,
Guindy Campus Chennai, India.
3Department of Civil Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung,
Bandung, Indonesia.
4Department of Geography, University of Peradeniya,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.


A unique collaborative project was developed at the aftermath of Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 with the involvement of Kyoto University, University of Madras, University of Peradeniya and Institute of Technology Bandung. The target of the collaboration was to develop training modules which can be linked to the curriculum of respective universities. The initiative collaborated strongly with the local NGOs, local governments, school teachers. The modules were reviewed in the workshops and inputs from the field practice were provided to filter up into the curriculum process. Eight modules were developed in this initiative, which were linked to the educational programs of the respective universities. Bringing this spirit of collaboration, Asian University Network of Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM) was established to sustain these efforts.

Keywords: University education; Field practice; Proactive collaboration; Curriculum; Disaster reduction.

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