| A Framework of HRA for Computer-Based Control Room Yochan Kim and Jinkyun Park | 180-184 |

| A Human Reliability Analysis Method for Level-2 Multi-Unit PSA: Challenges and Prospective Approach Awwal M. Arigi and Jonghyun Kim | 185-190 |

| Alignment of the Petro-HRA method with the risk perspectives in the Norwegian oil and gas industry Surbhi Bansal, Jon Tømmerås Selvik and Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen | 191-198 |

| An Analysis of Recent Operational Events Involving Errors of Commission Luca Podofillini and Vinh N. Dang | 199-206 |

| Augmented Reality-extended Humans: Towards a Taxonomy of Failures – Focus on Visual Technologies Soheila Sheikh Bahaei and Barbara Gallina | 207-214 |

| Bayesian Aggregation Methods of Expert Judgement to Incorporate Human Error Probabilities for Offshore Decommissioning Risk Assessment M.L. Fam, X.H. He, L.S. Ong, D. Konovessis and H.K. Tan | 215-223 |

| Citizens' Positive Safety Perceptions in Public Spaces Ilona Suojanen, P. Saskia Bayerl and Gabriele Jacobs | 224-231 |

| Crew Decision-making in Situations with Degraded Information Espen Nystad, Magnhild Kaarstad and Robert McDonald | 232-239 |

| Crew Performance Variability in Simulator Data for Human Reliability Analysis: Investigation of Modelling Options S. F. Greco, L. Podofillini and V. N. Dang | 240-247 |

| Expert Elicitation for Estimating PSF Effects on HEPs in Computer-Based Control Rooms Yochan Kim | 248-252 |

| Exploring road tunnel drivers' behavior: The case of Greece Maria-Olympia Zeeri, Konstantinos Kirytopoulos and Panagiotis Ntzeremes | 253-260 |

| Human Factor Challenges and Possible Solutions for the Operation of Highly Autonomous Ships Tiantian Zhu, Stein Haugen and Yiliu Liu | 261-268 |

| Human Machine Interface for Supporting Sensemaking in Critical Situation; A Literal Review Rossella E. Bisio, Andreas Bye and Lars Hurlen | 269-276 |

| Human Performance in Manufacturing Tasks: Optimization and Assessment of required Workload and Capabilities Maria Chiara Leva, Lorenzo Comberti, Micaela Demichela and Alberto Caimo | 277-284 |

| Human Reliability Analysis in the Aircraft Jacking Procedure Alaide Bayma and Marcelo Ramos Martins | 285-293 |

| Human-Related Risks in the Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Hollow Railway Axles: Implications for the Education and Training of the NDT Personnel Marija Bertovic | 294-300 |

| Impact of Degraded Process Information on Operator Trust Magnhild Kaarstad and Espen Nystad | 301-308 |

| Improving the performance of Success Likelihood Index Model (SLIM) using Bayesian Network Shokoufeh Abrishami, Nima Khakzad, Pieter van Gelder and Seyed Mahmoud Hosseini | 309-315 |

| Influence of Human Organizational Factors in Major Hydrocarbon Leaks in Norwegian Continental Shelf Saikrishna Govindarajan and Jan Erik vinnem | 316-323 |

| Is the Human a Risk Factor or a Risk Reducer? Answers based on the Challenges in Human Reliability Assessment Prof. Dr. habil. Oliver Straeter | 324-330 |

| Marine Accident Learning with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (MALFCMs): A Case Study on Fishing Vessels B. Navas de Maya, R. E. Kurt and O. Turan | 331-337 |

| Methods for Dependency between Human Failure Events in Human Reliability Analysis: An Overview of the State-of-the-Art Fatmagul Ibisoglu and Katrina M Groth | 338-344 |

| Nordic Nuclear Power Plants' Emergency Response Organizations and HRA considerations for Multi-Unit Accidents Salvatore Massaiu and Xuhong He | 345-352 |

| PET Generative Data Models for HRA Data Mining Gueorgui Petkov | 353-360 |

| Quality Improvement in Manual Assembly by Software-based Evaluation of Human Misconduct M. Sc. Lena Blackert, Dipl.-Logist. Christian Kern, Robert Refflinghaus and M. Sc. Tim Trostmann | 361-368 |

| Risk based Approach for Procedures’ Optimization Micaela Demichela, Gabriele Baldissone, Chiara Leva and Salvina Murè | 369-375 |

| Role of Human Reliability Analysis in Post-Fukushima Risk-Informed Decision Making Michael Montecalvo, Matthew Humberstone and Jing Xing | 376-381 |

| Tackling the Lack of Data for Human Error Probability with Credal Network Caroline Morais, Silvia Tolo, Raphael Moura, Michael Beer and Edoardo Patelli | 382-386 |

| Task based Risk Assessment for Human Factors Impact on Aviation Maintenance Deviations: A Case Study on three Specific Tasks and their Operational Implications Stephen Caffrey, Laís Veloso Lara, Christopher Murtagh, Maria Chiara Leva and Victor Hrymak | 387-394 |

| The Prolonged Effect of In-Cabin Aircraft Noise on Recognition Memory Brett R. C. Molesworth, Marion Burgess and Annie Zhou | 395-402 |

| Vulnerability of Cyclists on the road. A Probabilistic Analysis of the Database of Traffic Injuries in Spain Focusing on type of Involved vehicle and Driver Culpability Susana García-Herrero, Rachel Aldred, Esther Anaya-Boig and Miguel. A. Mariscal | 403-409 |

| What makes Human Factors Critical Task Reviews Flourish or Stall? Exploring Performance Variability using FRAM Dominic Furniss, Mark Sujan, Jamie Henderson and David Embrey | 410-415 |

| A Delay Time Model for Stochastic Dependence Badía F.G., Berrade M.D. and Calvo E. | 416-421 |

| A Graphical Method for Diagnosing the Effectiveness of a Maintenance Plan Pablo Viveros, Erich Stowhas, Rodrigo Mena, Fredy Kristjanpoller, Tomás Grubessich, Christopher Nikulin and Vicente González-Prida | 422-430 |

| A Maintenance Time Estimation Method based on Maintainability Design Attributes Xu Luo, ShiGang Zhang, ZheXue Ge and Lei Li | 431-436 |

| A Method for Quantitative Analysis of Accessibility based on Path Planning Shunfeng Mei, Dong Zhou, QiDi Zhou and ZiYue Guo | 437-443 |

| A Modeling Framework for Efficacy Assessment and Preventive Maintenance of Torrential Protection Works Nour Chahrour, Sleiman Hariri, Jean-Marc Tacnet and Christophe Bérenguer | 444-451 |

| A Petri Net Methodology for Modelling the Maintenance of Railway Route Sections Jack Litherland and John Andrews | 452-459 |

| A Principal-agent Approach for Designing Maintenance Service Contracts João Mateus Marques de Santana, Rafael Luiz Velôzo Santiago, Isis Didier Lins, Márcio das Chagas Moura and Enrique López Droguett | 460-466 |

| A systematic replacement strategy in the context of a strongly censored lifetime. Application to road markings Maxime Redondin, Laurent Bouillaut, Dimitri Daucher and Nadége Faul | 467-474 |

| An Extension of the Rolling Horizon Approach Incorporating the Opportunistic Maintenance for Multi-component Systems Tianyi Wu, Yu Zhao and Xiaobing Ma | 475-482 |

| An Unsupervised Method for the Reconstruction of Maintenance Intervention Times Luca Pinciroli, Piero Baraldi, Ahmed Shokry and Enrico Zio | 483-490 |

| Availability and Performance Measures for Planning Maintenance Actions on Waterways Networks Francesca Marsili, JÖrg BÖdefeld, Hans Daduna and Pietro Croce | 491-498 |

| Combined Maintenance Scheduling and Production Optimization Adriaen Verheyleweghen, Himanshu Srivastav, Anne Barros and Johannes Jäschke | 499-506 |

| Comparison of Two Maintenance Models to Quantify Unavailability of Systems with Components with Dormant Failures Radim Briš and Nuong Thi Thuy Tran | 507-514 |

| Comprehensive Clustering Approach for Managing Maintenance in Large Fleet of Assets J. Izquierdo, A. Crespo, J. Uribetxebarria and A. Erguido | 515-522 |

| Condition-based Maintenance Model Considering Positive and Negative Maintenance Effects for Dependent Competing Failure Processes Qiannan Liu, Lin Ma, Naichao Wang and Qihang Jiang | 523-529 |

| Corrosion Environment on Steel Bridges Using Inverse Distance Weighting Method Zabihullah Rasoli, Kazutoshi Nagata and Takeshi Kitahara | 530-537 |

| Degradation Modeling and Condition-Based Maintenance Decision-Making for Dynamic System in S-plane T.M.H. La, K.T. Huynh, A. Grall and Y. Langeron | 538-545 |

| Design of Weekly Maintenance Schedule for a Fleet of Trains for the Achievement of Organizational Requirements Tomás Grubessich, Raúl Stegmaier, Pablo Viveros and Fredy Kristjanpoller | 546-553 |

| Dynamic Adaption of Maintenance Packages within the Product Use Phase using Machine Learning Methods Regarding Operating Data Fabian Reinecke, Sebastian Sochacki and Stefan Bracke | 554-561 |

| Dynamic Optimization of Maintenance Policies for Multistate System Benoîte de Saporta, François Dufour and Huilong Zhang | 562-569 |

| Effect of the Obsolescence Management in RAMS of Safety-related Equipment Sebastián Martorell, Isabel Marton, Ana Sánchez and Sofia Carlos | 570-577 |

| Impact of Road Infrastructure Characteristics on Road Markings Ali Tidjani, Maxime Redondin, Laurent Bouillaut and Dimitri Daucher | 578-586 |

| Integrated Decision Rules for Adaptive Condition based Maintenance and Multivariate Control Charts Latrous Mohamed Othman, Amélie Ponchet-Durupt, Nassim Boudaoud, Magali Bosch-Mauchand and Zohra Cherfi-Boulanger | 587-595 |

| Linking Building Information Modeling and Structural Health Monitoring for Reliable Railway Infrastructure Robert Hartung, Lennart Sengerb and Katharina Klemt-Albert | 596-603 |

| Monte Carlo Simulation of a Reliability Optimized Maintenance Concept for Systems with Limited Accessibility Ashish Keshkamat, Jan Hauschild and Hendrik Meyer | 604-610 |

| Nonperiodic Maintenance Activities Scheduling for Pumps in Nuclear Power Plant Subsystem Mengyu Du and Yan-Fu Li | 611-614 |

| Offshore Wind Farms Maintenance Strategy using the Analytic Network Process J. Sobral and C. Guedes Soares | 615-622 |

| On Approximation of Superposition of Renewal Process Liu Xingheng, Dijoux Yann and Vatn Jørn | 623-628 |

| open O&M: Robust O&M Open Access Tool for Improving Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbines Athanasios Kolios, Julia Walgern, Sofia Koukoura, Ravi Pandit and Juan Chiachio-Ruano | 629-635 |

| Optimal Predictive Maintenance Policy for Multi-component Systems Tiffany Cherchi, Camille Baysse, Benoîte de Saporta and François Dufour | 636-641 |

| Optimizing Proof test Policy for Redundant Safety-related Systems Florent Brissaud, Céline Vinuesa and Cyrille Folleau | 642-645 |

| Prognostics and Maintenance Optimization in Bridge Management Renny Arismendi, Anne Barros, Jørn Vatn and Antoine Grall | 653-660 |

| Research of Condition-Based Maintenance Strategy Based on Simulation Yanlei Wang, Dongyi Wang, Xiaojun Zhang and Hongwei Cheng | 661-667 |

| Research on Maintenance Assessment Method & System for Complex Product based Digital Mock-Up Yang Y. B., Chen G. and Liao H. Q. | 668-675 |

| Simulation and Analysis of Simple, Repairable Systems with a Confidence Interval Frank Müller and Bernd Bertsche | 676-683 |

| Towards a Maintenance Requirements Analysis for Maximizing Production Frits van Rooij and Philip Scarf | 684-691 |

| Virtual Reality Application for Maintainability Design: A Case Study of the Practical Project Ziyue Guo, Dong Zhou and Aimin Hao | 692-698 |

| Visual Occlusion Obstacle Detection Model based on Finite Element Analysis in Virtual Environment Qidi Zhou, Dong Zhou, Shunfeng Mei and Aimin Hao | 699-706 |

| A Bayesian Estimation Approach for the Age- and State-Dependent Transformed Wiener Degradation Process Massimiliano Giorgio, Fabio Postiglione and Gianpaolo Pulcini | 707-714 |

| A Comprehensive Allocation Model of Reliability and Maintainability Index Jin Yan, Chuan Lv, Jiayu Chen and Chunhui Guo | 715-722 |

| A New Approach for Parametrizing Multidimensional Lifetime Models Alexander Kremer and Bernd Bertsche | 723-730 |

| A New Domain-independent Method for Improving Reliability and Reducing Risk based on Algebraic Inequalities Michael Todinov | 731-738 |

| A Perturbed Inverse Gaussian Process Model with Time Varying Variance-To-Mean Ratio Songhua Hao, Jun Yang and Christophe Berenguer | 739-745 |

| A Probabilistic Model to Maximize Joint Power Detection of a Group of Trained Detectors Pierre Beauseroy and Edith Grall-Maës | 746-753 |

| A Review of Methods for Discretizing Continuous-Time Accident Sequences Austin D. Lewis and Katrina M. Groth | 754-761 |

| A Stackelberg Game theory approach to Optimize Warranty Length, Upgrade level and Sale Price for Risk-averse Buyers of Second-hand Products E. Baghdadi and M. Shafiee | 762-768 |

| Active Learning Kriging-Mixed Optimization Method for Hybrid Time-variant Reliability Analysis with Random and Interval Variables Feng Jiazhen, Wang Kaiwei, Xie He, Wang Xuekong, Wang Weihan, Wu Dong and Zhou Yanghongsheng | 769-777 |

| Advanced Probabilistic Risk Assessment through Continuous Fault Trees using R-Functions Andrei Gribok and Ted Wood | 778-783 |

| An Alternative Detection of Safety and Reliability Weakness for Safety-critical Electronic Railway Signaling Systems Emanuele Pascale, Laurent Bouillaut, Cristian Maiorano, Raffaele Sista, Paolo Sannino and Pietro Marmo | 784-788 |

| Analysis and verification methods of the UAS brake system based on STAMP/STAP Cui Lijie, Cong Jiping, Zhang Jiakui, Ren Bo and Chen Siyan | 789-795 |

| Analysis of Accelerated Reliability Testing Data of Electronic Component in Combat Vehicles Xuan Phong CU and Zdenek Vintr | 796-801 |

| Application of Logic Differential Calculus and Binary Decision Diagrams in Detection of Minimal Cut Vectors Miroslav Kvassay, Patrik Rusnak, Elena Zaitseva and Jozef Kostolny | 802-809 |

| Confidence Interval of Reliability at Use Condition Considering the Comprehensive Statistical Uncertainty and Distribution of Constant Stress and Life-Stress Model Peter Zeiler and Aleksandar Eric | 810-817 |

| Determination of Safety Levels of Electronic Devices Exposed to Impact of Strong Electromagnetic Pulses Adam Rosiński, Jacek Paś, Marek Szulim and Jarosław Łukasiak | 818-825 |

| Efficient Risk Based Optimization of Large System Models using a Reduced Petri Net Methodology Susannah Naybour, John Andrews and Manuel Chiachio-Ruano | 826-833 |

| Empirical Analysis of Transportation Systems Availability using the Semi-Markov Process Anna Borucka | 834-838 |

| Environmental Contours for Mixtures of Distributions Arne Bang Huseby, Erik Vanem and Maria Hjelset Barbosa | 839-846 |

| Estimation from Small Sample Staircase Experiments Gerhard Neubauer | 847-853 |

| Estimation of Optimal Safety Parameters for a Communication Channel with Required SIL 3 at runtime Larissa Gaus, Michael Schwarz and Josef Börcsök | 854-861 |

| Failure Rate Ordering with an Application to Parallel Systems Idir Arab, Milto Hadjikyriakou and Paulo Eduardo Oliveira | 862-869 |

| Fault Tolerant Control Using Sliding Mode Observers Alexey Zhirabok, Alexander Zuev and Alexey Shumsky | 870-877 |

| FFORT: A Benchmark Suite for Fault Tree Analysis Enno Ruijters, Carlos E. Budde, Muhammad Chenariyan Nakhaee, Mariëlle Stoelinga, Doina Bucur, Djoerd Hiemstra and Stefano Schivo | 878-885 |

| Finite Degradation Analysis of Multiple Safety Instrumented Systems Liu Yang, Antoine Rauzy and Mary Ann Lundteigen | 886-893 |

| Generalizing Banks’ Smoothed Bootstrap Method for Right-Censored Data Asamh S.M. Al Luhayb, Tahani Coolen-Maturi and Frank P.A. Coolen | 894-901 |

| Induction of Fault Trees through Bayesian Networks Alexis Linard, Marcos L. P. Bueno, Doina Bucur and Marielle Stoelinga | 910-917 |

| Integration Method of Multi-Source Accelerated Degradation Testing Data Considering Epistemic Uncertainties and Stress Dependency Wen-Bin Chen, Xiao-Yang Li, Rui Kang and Yu-Qing Hu | 918-924 |

| Is it Safe to use MTTF/(MTTF + MTTR) for the Availability? Christian Tanguy, Marc Buret and Nicolae Brinzei | 925-929 |

| Modeling of Degradation of Electric Connectors Under Varying Humidity Conditions Petteri Ojala, Jari Räm, Ilpo Nieminen and Juha Miettinen | 930-937 |

| New Method for Reliability Demonstration Test René Valenzuela, Pierre Dersin and Carole Saint-Ellier | 938-942 |

| On the Performance of the Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Gamma Process Quentin Chatenet, Mitra Fouladirad, Emmanuel Remy, Martin Gagnon, Laurent Tôn-Thât and Antoine Tahan | 943-950 |

| OR03: A New Bayesian Estimator of Failure Rates to Deal with Heterogeneous Data from the OREDA Database Nicolas Clavé, Sophie Mercier, Laurent Bordes and Pierre-Joseph Cacheux | 951-959 |

| Packet Delay Analysis of Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems (SafeCOP) Jing Xie and Min Xie | 960-967 |

| Pitfalls Associated with Bayesian Model Averaging for Risk Assessments Mauricio Monsalve, Roberto Benavente and Alejandro Urrutia | 968-975 |

| Reliability Acceptance Sampling Plan for Weighted Exponential Distribution based on Constant Stress Accelerated Data M.Kumar and P.C. Ramyamol | 976-982 |

| Reliability Estimation with Multi-Fidelity Simulation Methods Carsten Proppe | 983-990 |

| Reliability Evaluation by Accelerated Testing with Zero Failure Data Bo Wang, Ping Jiang, Yunyan Xing and Zhaoli Song | 991-996 |

| Reparameterized Weibull distribution: A Bayes study using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Tien Thanh Thach and Radim Briš | 997-1004 |

| Review of Mathematical Inconsistencies in the Practices to Assess SIL of SIS − Toward a Novel Approach for Risk Reduction Laurent Cauffriez | 1005-1012 |

| Risk Analysis and Trade-off Design Method Based on Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory Oriented for Multi-Source Information System Chu Jiayun, Zhao Tingdi and Jiao Jian | 1013-1017 |

| Saturation Models to Assess Risk in Product Fleets During the Use Phase Stefan Bracke and Sebastian Sochacki | 1018-1024 |

| Simulation and Parameter Estimation for Virtual Age Models with Time-Dependent Covariates: Methodology and Performance Evaluation Léa Brenière, Laurent Doyen and Christophe Bérenguer | 1025-1032 |

| Time-variant Reliability Analysis Based on the Approximate Relationship Between the Outcrossing Rate and Failure Rate Hua-Ming Qian, Hong-Zhong Huang, Peng Huang and Tudi Huang | 1041-1047 |

| Toxicity Assessment for Safe-by-design Nanomaterials using Advanced Data Analytics C. Spyropoulos, C. Psevdos and E.C. Marcoulaki | 1048-1055 |

| Water Distribution System Reliability Assessment Based on Nonparametric Approach Kamila Hasilová and David Vališ | 1056-1063 |

| A Comparison of Bio-Inspired Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Aircraft Actuator Prognostics Matteo D. L. Dalla Vedova, Pier Carlo Berri and Stefano Re | 1064-1071 |

| A Deep Adversarial Approach Based on Multisensor Fusion for Remaining Useful Life Prognostics David Verstraete, Enrique Droguett and Mohammad Modarres | 1072-1077 |

| A Degrading Element of Safety-instrumented Systems with Combined Maintenance Strategy Aibo Zhang, Yiliu Liu, Anne Barros and Elias Kassa | 1078-1085 |

| A Lumped Parameter High Fidelity EMA Model for Model-Based Prognostics Pier Carlo Berri, Matteo D.L. Dalla Vedova and Paolo Maggiore | 1086-1093 |

| A Survey on Underground Pipelines and Railway Infrastructure at Cross-Sections A.H.S Garmabaki, Uday Kumar, Adithya Thaduri, Annelie Hedström, Jan Laue, Stefan Marklund, Johan Odelius, Matti Rantatalo, Mattias Asplund, Tarun Bansal and Stefan Indahl | 1094-1101 |

| An Intelligent Inference Method on Electronic Products' Failure Mechanism Considering Uncertain Mission Profiles Yujia Wang, Ying Chen and Rui Kang | 1102-1109 |

| Analysis of Natural Airfield Pavement Load-bearing Capacity in the Aspect of Air Operation Safety Mariusz Wesołowski, Paweł Pietruszewski and Paweł Iwanwoski | 1110-1116 |

| Bayesian Network Design for Fault Diagnostics of Railway Switches Thorsten Neumann and Daniela Narezo Guzmán | 1117-1124 |

| Comparative Study of Parameterizations for Damage Localization with Finite Element Model Updating Marlene Bruns, Benedikt Hofmeister, Tanja Grießmann and Raimund Rolfes | 1125-1132 |

| Comparison of Data-driven Prognostics Models: A Process Perspective Rui Li, Wim J.C. Verhagen and Richard Curran | 1133-1140 |

| Comparison of Inductive Learning and Neural Networks in Condition Monitoring Systems of Complex Machines Marcin Hinz, Dominik Brueggemann and Stefan Bracke | 1141-1147 |

| Convolutional Neural Network for Remaining useful Life Prediction based on Vibration Signal Caio Bezerra Souto Maior, Monalisa Cristina Moura dos Santos, João Mateus Marques de Santana, Ana Cláudia Souza Vidal de Negreiros, Márcio das Chagas Moura, Isis Didier Lins and Enrique López Droguett | 1148-1154 |

| Enhancing Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction by an Advanced Ensemble Method Adapted to the Specific Characteristics of Prognostics and Health Management Marc Hoenig, Simon Hagmeyer and Peter Zeiler | 1155-1162 |

| Estimating IOHMM Parameters to Compute Remaining Useful Life of System Kamrul Islam Shahin, Christophe Simon and Philippe Weber | 1163-1170 |

| Estimation of the Value of Prognostic Information for Condition-based and Predictive Maintenance William Fauriat and Enrico Zio | 1171-1178 |

| Experimental Study of Rolling Element Bearing Failure Pattern Based on Vibration Growth Process Morteza Hosseini Yazdi, Mehdi Behzad, Behzad Ghodrati and Amir Taghizadeh Vahed | 1179-1186 |

| Fault Prognostics in Presence of Event-Based Measurements Mingjing Xu, Piero Baraldi, Sameer Al-Dahidi and Enrico Zio | 1187-1193 |

| First Step towards the Development of a Prognosis Health Management (PHM) System for Li-ion batteries: An FMMEA based approach Akash Basia, Zineb Simeu-Abazi, Eric Gascard and Peggy Zwolinski | 1194-1200 |

| Geocell Reinforcement in Natural Airfield Pavement Structure in the Aspect of the Safety of Conducted Flight Operations Mariusz Wesołowski, Danuta Kowalska and Agata Kowalewska | 1201-1207 |

| Graph Convolutional Networks for Health State Diagnostics Iván González, José Cáceres, Enrique López Droguett and Mónica López-Campos | 1208-1213 |

| High Frequency Energy Disaggregation Sampling and Analysis towards Predictive Maintenance Applications S. Kotsilitis, E. C. Marcoulaki and E. Kalligeros | 1214-1221 |

| Influence of the Load Bearing Capacity a Concrete Airfield Pavement Constructions on the Safety of Air Operations Mariusz Wesołowski, Krzysztof Blacha and Aleksandra Rumak | 1222-1228 |

| MRL-based Importance Measures Phuc Do Christophe Berenguer and Emanuele Borgonovo | 1229-1235 |

| Physics Based Deep Learning Model for Crack Propagation Prognostics Philip Kobrich, Gabriel San Martin, Enrique Lopez Droguett, Alejandro Ortiz Bernardin and Yonas Zewdu Ayele | 1236-1241 |

| Predictive Maintenance of Mining Machinery Using Machine Learning Approaches Amir Taghizadeh Vahed, Behzad Ghodrati, Nuray Demirel and Morteza Hosseini Yazdi | 1242-1246 |

| Recurrent Capsule Networks for Remaining Useful Life Prognostics Cristián Schaad Concha, Andrés Ruiz-Tagle Palazuelos, Enrique López Droguett and José Miguel Cardemil | 1247-1254 |

| Reliability and Degradation Analysis of Smart material Actuators Philipp Heß and Stefan Bracke | 1255-1261 |

| Remaining Useful Lifetime Prediction based on Adaptive Failure Thresholds Amelie Bender, Lennart Schinke and Walter Sextro | 1262-1269 |

| Robust Optimal Sensor Placement for Response Reconstruction Using Output-Only Vibration Measurements Tulay Ercan, Omid Sedehi, Costas Papadimitriou and Lambros S. Katafygiotis | 1270-1276 |

| Software Failure Prognostics on the Basis of Testing Results: Application of Imprecise Test Coverage Models Victor G. Krymsky | 1277-1284 |

| State Modelling and Prognostics of Safety Valves used in the Oil and Gas Industry Ewa Laskowska and Jørn Vatn | 1285-1292 |

| The Probabilistic Method for Predicting the Reliability of Aircraft's Commutator Devices Mariusz Zieja, Mariusz Ważny, Michał Jasztal, Sławomir Stępień and Mariusz Michalski | 1293-1297 |

| A Probabilistic Approach for Modeling the Resilience of Interdependent Power and Water Infrastructure Networks Jin-Zhu Yu and Hiba Baroud | 1298-1305 |

| A Quantitative Method to Identify Strategies for Enhancing the Resilience of Water Networks Beatrice Cassottana, Nazli Yonca Aydin and Loon Ching Tang | 1306-1311 |

| A Systematic Tabular Approach for Risk and Resilience Assessment and Improvement in the Telecommunication Industry Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, Katja Faist, Natalie Miller, Jörg Finger, Ivo Häring, Marco Carli, Federica Battisti, Rodoula Makri, Giuseppe Celozzi, Giuseppe Amato, Maria Belesioti and Evangelos Sfakianakis | 1312-1319 |

| An Ontology of Risk Associated Concepts in the Context of Resilience Ralf Mock, Bernhard Hulin and Linda Alexey Leksin | 1320-1327 |

| Application of UAVs for Bridge Inspection and Resilience Assessment Yonas Zewdu Ayele and Enrique Lopez Droguett | 1328-1335 |

| Data Availability Assessment for the Usability of Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities in the Czech Republic Pavel Kincl and Alena Oulehlová | 1336-1343 |

| Engaging Stakeholders for Fostering Infrastructure and Community Resilience Stefania D'Onofrio and Giovanni Ranza | 1344-1350 |

| Linking Science to Practice: A Pragmatic approach for the Assessment of Measures to Improve the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure Systems Markus Deublein, Franziska Roth, Christian Willi, Kalliopi Anastassiadou and Ulrich Bergerhausen | 1351-1356 |

| Multidimensional Resilience Decision-Making On A Multistage High-Speed Axial Compressor Julian Salomon, Jasper Behrensdorf, Matteo Broggi, Stefan Weber and Michael Beer | 1357-1364 |

| Operational Reliability in Complex Temporary Organizations D.C. Zuiderwijk and F.K. Boersma | 1365-1372 |

| Regulation and resilience at the macro-level healthcare system – a literature review Sina Furnes Øyri and Siri Wiig | 1373-1380 |

| Resilience Assessment Of Heterogeneous Complex Transport Networks – A General Framework And A Case Study Bukowski Lech and Sobczak Paweł | 1381-1388 |

| Resilience Assessment of the Traffic Network Luxembourg-Metz. The Power of Information Maria Nogal and Daniel Honfi | 1389-1395 |

| Safety when Implementing Digital Technology and Infrastructure T.M. Stene | 1396-1403 |

| System Identification in Resilience Management of Historical Bridges Zehra Irem Turksezer, Maria Pina Limongelli and Michael Havbro Faber | 1404-1411 |

| Towards a Syllabus for Resilient Health Care Mark Sujan, Dominic Furniss, Janet Anderson, Jeffrey Braithwaite and Erik Hollnagel | 1412-1416 |

| A Fault Tree Method to Calculate the Supporting System Initiating Event Frequency Min-Hua Lee and Chung-Kung Lo | 1417-1422 |

| A Hierarchical Approximate Bayesian Computation (HABC) for Accident Risk in the Energy Sector triggered by Natural Events Matteo Spada and Peter Burgherr | 1423-1430 |

| A Model of Cascading Failures in a Distributed Industrial Environment Jacek Malinowski | 1431-1438 |

| A Risk Assessment Methodology for National Gas Systems. Application Example Nicola Zaccarelli, Nuria Rodríguez-Gómez, María Aranzazu Aznárez-Salvatierra and Ricardo Bolado-Lavín | 1439-1446 |

| A Systems Approach to Identify Hidden Assumptions in the Background Knowledge Henrik Langdalen, Eirik Bjorheim Abrahamsen and Håkon Bjorheim Abrahamsen | 1447-1455 |

| An Adaptive Sequential Sampling Method for Reliability Analysis and Its Application in Aircraft Cabin Door Lock Mechanism Song Kunling, Zhang Yugang, Yu Xinshui and Song Bifeng | 1456-1463 |

| An Integrated Methodology for Risk Assessment of Mining Projects at Different Spatial Scales Scammacca Ottone, Mehdizadeh Rasool and Gunzburger Yann | 1470-1477 |

| Analysis of Building Damage in Uki City due to the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Kazuaki Torisawa, Kei Horie, Masashi Matsuoka, Munenari Inoguchi and Fumio Yamazaki | 1478-1485 |

| Application of Bayesian Model for Third Party Damage Assessment of Cross-Country Oil Pipeline under Uncertainty Shamsudeen Hassan, Jin Wang, Musa Bashir and Christos Kontovas | 1486-1493 |

| Bayesian Network Based Analysis of Cyber Security Impact on Safety Daniel Lichte and Kai-Dietrich Wolf | 1502-1509 |

| Bounded Dynamic Analysis of Large Scale PSA with Cold Spares and Repairs Ola Bäckström and Pavel Krcal | 1510-1517 |

| Challenges for Risk on Future Autonomous Offshore Installations Jan Erik Vinnem and Silje F. Budde | 1518-1524 |

| Comparative Risk Assessment of Accidents in the Energy Sector within Different Long-Term Scenarios and Marginal Electricity Supply Mixes Peter Burgherr, Matteo Spada, Anna Kalinina, Laurent Vandepaer, Peter Lustenberger and Wansub Kim | 1525-1532 |

| Development of Preliminary Event Trees for Loss of Coolant Accident and Loss of Load Event in Autonomous Micro Modular Reactor Eunseo So and Man Cheol Kim | 1538-1543 |

| Evaluating Approaches Supporting Safety Argumentation for Inclusion in a Safety Assessment Framework for Efficient Transport André Alexandersen Hauge, Terje Sivertsen and Bjørn Axel Gran | 1544-1551 |

| Fuzzy Risk Evaluation in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis: A Risk-Based Approach for ranking Infrastructure Assets for Maintenance Interventions François Nyobeu and Andreas Panenka | 1552-1559 |

| How Earthquake Risk Depends on the Closeness to a Fault: Symmetry-Based Geometric Analysis Aaron Velasco, Solymar Ayala Cortez, Olga Kosheleva and Vladik Kreinovich | 1560-1565 |

| How Final Element Proof Test Can Effect Your SIF Loren Stewart | 1566-1572 |

| ICVSS: A New Methodology for Scoring Industrial Control Systems Vulnerabilities Riad Chemali, Blaise Conrard and Mireille Bayart | 1573-1580 |

| Identifying Critical Components in Power Distribution Networks using Graph Theoretical Measures Mauricio Monsalve and Juan Carlos de la Llera | 1581-1587 |

| Introduction to DICE (Dynamic Integrated Consequence Evaluation) Toolbox for Checking Coverability of Operational Procedures in NPPs Sejin Baek, Gyunyoung Heo, Taewan Kim and Jonghyun Kim | 1588-1593 |

| Investigating the Decision-Making Approach to Risk Assessment in Police Custody Melanie-Jane Stoneman, Lisa Jackson, Sarah Dunnett and Louise Cooke | 1594-1601 |

| Method of 3-dimensional Decision Space in the Risk Assessment Process in Road Transport Agnieszka A. Tubis | 1602-1608 |

| Multiple Decision-makers in Multidimensional Risk Analysis: A Structured Decision-making Process Thalles V Garcez, Danielle C Morais, Tomasz Wachowicz and Adiel T de Almeida | 1609-1616 |

| National Risk Assessments in the EU: Reflections and Recommendations Galbusera Luca, Theocharidou Marianthi, Casajus-Valles Ainara, Marin-Ferrer Montserrat, Poljanšek Karmen and Giannopoulos Georgios | 1617-1624 |

| New Frequencies Assessment method for Safety Analysis Céline Vinuesa, Cyrille Folleau, Frédéric Doux and Stéphane Collas | 1625-1632 |

| Power System Reliability Importance Measures Marko Čepin, Maksim Demin, Maksim Danilov, Irina Romanenko and Vyacheslav Afanasyev | 1633-1637 |

| Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Ageing Thermal Power Plants Markova Jana, Sykora Miroslav, Holicky Milan and Stastna Klara | 1638-1642 |

| Problem of Creation of Integrated Index of Assessment of Production Safety Condition at Hazardous Production Facilities M. Lukyanchikov, A. Bochkov and V. Lesnykh | 1643-1650 |

| Strategies for the Assessment of Risk induced by Seismic Liquefaction on Road Networks D’Apuzzo Mauro, Esposito Andrea, Evangelisti Azzurra, Spacagna Rose-Line, Luca Paolella and Modoni Giuseppe | 1651-1658 |

| Technology Assisted Risk Assessment in Homecare Luke Power, Sarah Dunnett and Lisa Jackson | 1659-1665 |

| The Present and Future of Risk Assessment of MASS: A Literature Review Åsa Snilstveit Hoem | 1666-1673 |

| The Risk Effectiveness of Installing RCP Shutdown Seal for Loss of CCW Event Hao-Ti Hsu, Ching-Han Chen, Ching-Tien Huang and Chung-Kung Lo | 1674-1678 |

| Use of OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Database Projects Operating Experience for Probabilistic Safety Assessment Marina Röwekamp and Benjamin Brück | 1679-1684 |

| Verification and Assessment in Railway Safety Hendrik Schäbe | 1685-1690 |

| Vulnerability Index Assessment of Overall Strengthened Masonry Buildings Nacim Yousfi and Mahmoud Bensaibi | 1691-1696 |

| Worst Case Risk Dejan Škanata | 1697-1702 |

| Alternatives of Carbon Dioxide Disposal in Pre-Salt Offshore Exploration M.A. Pestana, C.H.B. Morais, C. Brandão, A. Maia, A. B. Mendes and M.R. Martins | 1703-1708 |

| An Advanced Method for Detecting Exceptional Vessel Encounters in Open Waters from High Resolution AIS Data Martin Hassel, Asbjørn Lein Aalberg and Haakon Akse Nordkvist | 1709-1714 |

| Blackout Ahead: Methodological Concerns in Studies of Critical Infrastructure Protection Christine Große, Pär M. Olausson and Susanne Wallman-Lundåsen | 1715-1722 |

| Can Fire Prevention Officers Judge Structural and Technical Fire Protection Measures? Carsten Janiec and Eugen Nachtigall | 1723-1729 |

| Combining Risk Management and Foresight Management to foresee challenges in Future Migration Aud Solveig Nilsen and Andrè Karlsen | 1730-1734 |

| Complex Technical Facilities Risk Management Responsibilities Dana Prochazkova and Jan Prochazka | 1735-1742 |

| Components Importance Ranking Considering the Effect of Epistemic Uncertainty Jingwen Song, Zhenzhou Lu and Michael Beer | 1743-1749 |

| Defining Parameters of Quality in Municipal Fire and Rescue Services – A Case Study in Denmark Andreas Ellingsgaard Baastrup and Jennifer Elyse Lynette | 1750-1756 |

| Design including RAMS and security for new Traffic Control Centers for the Norwegian Railway Bjørn Axel Gran, Grete Rindahl, Sizarta Sarshar and Linda Sofie Lunde-Hanssen | 1757-1763 |

| Estimation of the Equipment Residual Lifetime in Major Hazard Industries by Using a Virtual Sensor Maria Francesca Milazzo, Giuseppe Scionti and Paolo Bragatto | 1764-1771 |

| Hazards Generated in Air Task Domain of Tactical Aircraft Operating System Emil Augustyn, Adam Kadziński and JPiotr Smoczyński | 1772-1779 |

| Multicriteria Analysis for Strategic Risk Mitigation in the Federal Police of Brazil Felipe Scarpelli de Andrade, Carlos Eduardo Pires de Albuquerque, Marcelo Hazin de Alencar, Rodrigo José Pires Ferreira and Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa | 1780-1785 |

| Multidimensional HAZOP Analysis (MHAZOP): A Comprehensive Support to Decision-making Process in Risk Management Thalles V Garcez and Marcelo H Alencar | 1786-1791 |

| Optimizing Response Plans in Multidimensional Risk Management: A Numerical Application in a Methanol Production Plant Pablo R M Andrade and Thalles V Garcez | 1792-1799 |

| Real-Time Queries on Large Volumes of Safety Text Matthew Newall and Coen van Gulijk | 1800-1803 |

| Risk Analysis for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Assets Isaac Animah, Mahmood Shafiee and Augustus Addy-Lamptey | 1804-1811 |

| Risk Awareness Versus Risk Assessment in Manufacturing: A Field Study Lorenzo Comberti, Gabriele Baldissone and Micaela Demichela | 1820-1826 |

| Risk Monitoring: A Comparison across Risk Types and Application Domains Ola Bäckström, Xuhong He, Pavel Krcal, Johan Sörman and Wei Wang | 1827-1833 |

| Risks Management and Cobots. Identifying Critical Variables Mariscal M.A., González-Pérez J., Azfar Khalid, Gutierrez-Llorente J.M. and García-Herrero S. | 1834-1841 |

| Towards Full Systems Integration Readiness Assessment Mohammad Rajabalinejad | 1842-1848 |

| Towards Risk Informed BIM Models in Major Norwegian Transport Projects Sizarta Sarshar, André Alexandersen Hauge and Rune Winther | 1849-1854 |

| Understanding the new Context of Uncertainty and Risk under the 4th Industry Revolution González-Prida V, Zamora J, Guillén A, De La Fuente A, Viveros P, Martínez-Galán P, Candón E and Moreu P | 1855-1859 |

| Variability: Threat or Curse? Ben J.M. Ale, Des N.D. Hartford and David H.Slater | 1860-1865 |

| A Review of Stochastic Sampling Methods for Bayesian Inference Problems Adolphus Lye, Alice Cicirello and Edoardo Patelli | 1866-1873 |

| A Ship Safe Speed Identifying Method from Risk Perspectives in Arctic Waters Chi Zhang, Di Zhang, Mingyang Zhang, Wei Cao and Wengang Mao | 1874-1880 |

| A Simulation-Based Model for Series-parallel Priority Queuing Systems B. S. Cunha, R.L. V. Santiago, M. C. M. Dos Santos, M. C. Moura and I. D. Lins | 1881-1888 |

| An Agent-based Model to Evaluate Influences on Structural Reliability by Human and Organizational Factors Xin Ren, Karel C. Terwel, Igor Nikolic and Pieter H.A.J.M. van Gelder | 1889-1896 |

| Approach for the Simulation of Anode Corrosion in Electrolysis Processes Christoph Rosebrock, Marcin Hinz and Stefan Bracke | 1897-1903 |

| Bayesian Inference for Power Law Process Based on WinBUGS Junming Hu and Yan Li | 1904-1910 |

| Calibration of Cascading Failure Simulation Models for Power System Risk Assessment Blazhe Gjorgiev, Bing Li and Giovanni Sansavini | 1911-1918 |

| Delivery Reliability Assessment of Gas Pipeline Under Stochastic Demand Variations Chen Qian, Wu Changchun, Bu Yaran, Zuo Lili, Huang Yanfei, Chen Jie and Chen Feng | 1919-1926 |

| Evaluation on the Adequacy for Operation Profile of Train Using Simulation Jae Yoon Yoo and Jong Woon Kim | 1927-1932 |

| Failure Mechanism Analysis on Copper-Filled TSV Interposer Based on Transient Thermal Mechanical Stress Simulation Yuan Chen, Peng Zhang, Wei Su, Hongzhong Huang, Ping Lai, Xiaoling Lin and Yunfei En | 1933-1939 |

| Monte Carlo and Dynamic Event Tree Simulation for Assessing the Potentials of Tube and Pipe Ruptures Martina Kloos and Joerg Peschke | 1940-1947 |

| Probabilistic assessment on stability and serviceability of existing tunnel due to down-crossing shield tunnel Chen Fuyong and Zhang Wengang | 1948-1955 |

| Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Digital Reactor Protection System in Nuclear Power Plant Wei Zhang | 1956-1962 |

| Solder Layer Voids Failure Criteria of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Modules Based on Thermal Network Model Ye Wang and Guicui Fu | 1963-1969 |

| State-based Availability Analysis of hard- and Software Architectures using Monte Carlo Simulation under Consideration of Different Failure modes and Degradation Models Johannes Heinrich, Julian-Steffen Müller, Fabian Plinke, Timo Frederik Horeis and Hendrik Decke | 1970-1977 |

| Subset Simulation Interpolation - A New Approach to Compute Effects of Model- Dynamics in Structural Reliability Florian Blandfort, Christian Glock, Jörn Sass, Stefanie Schwaar and Rabea Sefrin | 1978-1985 |

| Towards Visibility and Audibility Algorithms for Assessing Perceived Safety and Security in Public areas based on Digital 3D City Models Georg Vogelbacher, Jörg Finger and Ivo Häring | 1986-1993 |

| A New Hybrid Method for Seismic Fragility Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Sangmok Lee, Young-Joo Lee and Do-Soo Moon | 1994-2000 |

| A New Structural Reliability Analysis Method with Fuzzy Random Variables Based on Maximum Entropy Model Lingfei You, Jianguo Zhang, Hao Zhai and Qiao Li | 2001-2006 |

| A Novel Model to Investigate the Shock Effects on Fatigue Life Shan Jiang and Yan-Fu Li | 2007-2012 |

| A Structural Reliability Analysis Method Based on Information Exchange Krill Herd Algorithm Li-Xiang Cheng and Yan-Gang Zhao | 2013-2018 |

| Accurate Probabilistic Analysis on the Multiple Passages Problem of the Wiener Process Zhenhao Zhang, Yi Zeng and Xin Liu | 2019-2024 |

| An Efficient Moving Least Squares Based Response Surface Method for Reliability Analysis of Structures Sounak Kabasi and Subrata Chakraborty | 2025-2032 |

| Bayesian Model Updating using Method of Moments with Application to Structural Reliability Assessment Pei-Pei Li, Yan-Gang Zhao and Zhao-Hui Lu | 2033-2039 |

| Comparison of Frequencies and Probabilities of Failure in Engineering Sciences Dirk Proske | 2040-2044 |

| Copula-based Numerical Computation Approach for the Sensitivity of Failure Probability Pan Wang and Haihe Li | 2045-2052 |

| De-nesting Optimization Method for Hybrid Structural Reliability Analysis Based on Dimension Reduction Guofa Li, Zequan Chen, Jialong He and Chuanhai Chen | 2053-2059 |

| Design of Multiscale Composites Using Robust Topology Optimization of Level Sets Jing Zheng, Zhen Luo and Chao Jiang | 2060-2063 |

| Development of a Method to Assess the Susceptibility of Tailings Dams' Failure due to Overtopping Sauer Lorenzo, Robert Louis-Guilhem, Scammacca Ottone, Mehdizadeh Rasool and Gunzburger Yann | 2064-2071 |

| Efficient propagation of imprecise probability models by imprecise line sampling Pengfei Wei, Jingwen Song, Marcos A. Valdebenito and Michael Beer | 2072-2077 |

| Estimation of Second Order Statistics of Uncertain Linear Systems Applying Linear Expansion and Monte Carlo Simulation C.H. Acevedo, I.V. González, M.A. Valdebenito and H.A. Jensen | 2078-2082 |

| Fatigue Stress Spectra and Reliability Evaluation of Short- to medium- span Bridges under Stochastic and Dynamic Traffic Load Ming Yuan, Yuan Luo, Donghuang Yan and Lian Huang | 2083-2090 |

| Fragility Analysis of a Real Building Grace S. Wang and Fu-Kuo Huang | 2091-2098 |

| Improved Support Vector Regression Based Metamodel for Reliability Analysis of Structure Atin Roy and Subrata Chakraborty | 2099-2106 |

| Influence of Equivalent Stiffness on the Behavior of Buildings Subjected to Soil Settlements El Kahi Elioab, Hung Vu, Bohal Yves, Mehdizadeh Rasool, Khouri Michel, Deck Olivier and Rahme Pierre | 2107-2112 |

| Information Theory for Data-driven Risk Analysis: The Informational Coefficient of Correlation as a Measure of Dependency Umberto Alibrandi and Khalid M. Mosalam | 2113-2120 |

| Mechanistic Model for Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction and Natural Frequency Assessment of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbine Structures Yasothorn Sapsathiarn and Thanyawut Wansuwan | 2121-2126 |

| Modeling of Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties in Probabilistic Design of Cylindrical Shells Marc Fina, Patrick Weber and Werner Wagner | 2127-2134 |

| Numerical Framework for Fatigue Life Prediction of Steel Wire Ropes Employing Damage-based Failure Models M. F. Abdulhamid, M. Kamarudin, H. S. Kang, A. S. Kader, M. N. Tamin, S. Ahmad and S. Badshah | 2135-2141 |

| Probabilistic Prediction of Ultimate Strength and Strain of Corroded Steel Strands Jaebeom Lee, Young-Joo Lee and Chang-Su Shim | 2142-2148 |

| Refinement of Probability of Failure Estimation in DOProC method Petr Janas, Martin Krejsa and Vlastimil Krejsa | 2149-2156 |

| Reliability analysis method considering random, interval and fuzzy parameter uncertainties compounded by ontological ambiguity Kaixuan Feng and Zhenzhou Lu | 2157-2164 |

| Reliability Analysis of Straight Bars with Multiple Sub-rectangles Considered Strength Degradation Xinshui Yu, Tianxiang Yu and Kunling Song | 2165-2171 |

| Reliability Assessment of Bridges based on Monitoring Markova Jana, Holicky Milan, Sýkora Miroslav and Jung Karel | 2172-2177 |

| Reliability Based Integrated Optimization of MR Dampers for Semiactive Control of Randomly Base-Excited Structures Yongbo Peng and Zhenkai Zhang | 2178-2183 |

| Reliability Estimation in Stochastic Linear Dynamics Applying Directional Importance Sampling M.A. Valdebenito, M.A. Misraji, C.F. Mayorga and H.A. Jensen | 2184-2188 |

| Reliability Evaluation of Concrete Cable-stayed Bridges Subjected to Cable Rupture during Construction Naiwei Lu, Yang Liu and Yuan Luo | 2189-2196 |

| Reliability Function for the Interval Stress Process of Randomly Excited Structures Filippo Giunta, Giuseppe Muscolino and Alba Sofi | 2197-2204 |

| Reliability Sensitivity Analysis for Linear Structures Subject to Dynamic Gaussian Excitation M.A. Misraji, M.A. Valdebenito, C.F. Mayorga and H.A. Jensen | 2205-2210 |

| Similarity Characteristics of Soils – A Step towards Construction Reliability Petr Koudelka | 2211-2215 |

| Stochastic Elastoplastic Plane Stress/Strain Analysis Yuan Feng, Wei Gao and Di Wu | 2216-2221 |

| Structural Reliability Analysis Based on Random Variables and Interval Variables Peng Huang, Hong Zhong Huang and Hua-Ming Qian | 2222-2228 |

| Structural Reliability and Durability Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Steffen Freitag, Katharina Kremer, Philipp Edler, Michael Hofmann and Günther Meschke | 2229-2236 |

| The Reliability Analysis for the Hybrid Uncertain Structure with the Fuzzy Failure Criterion Based on Non-Probabilistic Theory Guijie Li, Fayuan Wei, Zeshu Song and Chaoyang Xie | 2237-2242 |

| Time Domain Simulation of Earthquake Excited Buildings using a Fuzzy Stochastic Approach Patrick Weber, Marc Fina and Werner Wagner | 2243-2250 |

| Time-dependent Mechanism Reliability Analysis for Planer Linkage with Random Joint Clearance Zhihua Wang and Zhonglai Wang | 2251-2258 |

| A Decomposition approach for Computation of Survival Signatures of Heterogeneous Systems with Subsystems with Shared Components Daniel Krpelík, Frank P.A. Coolen and Louis J.M. Aslett | 2266-2273 |

| A General Framework for Integrated RAMI Analysis of Nuclear/non-nuclear Facilities Karol Kowal, Sławomir Potempski, Eryk Turski and Paweł M. Stano | 2274-2280 |

| A Renewal Theory Approach to Cost Effective Component Swapping to Increase System Reliability Aesha M. Najem and Frank P.A. Coolen | 2281-2288 |

| Adequate Tacit Knowledge Management for Railways: A Conceptual Framework Yawar Abbas and Mohammad Rajabalinejad | 2289-2295 |

| An Energy Flow based Uncertainty Network Modeling Method for Mechatronic System Reliability Analysis Wensheng Peng, Zhaoyang Zeng and Zhanyong Ren | 2296-2302 |

| Analyzing Trust Failures in Safety Critical Systems Gabriela Limonta and Ian Oliver | 2303-2310 |

| Based on GTS Formal Model Research on Reliability Test Profile Method of Hard-software System Yao Jinyong, Zhen Jiangyun and Sheng Tao | 2311-2316 |

| Breaking the Limits of Redundancy Systems Analysis Clemens Dubslaff, Kai Ding, Andrey Morozov, Christel Baier and Klaus Janschek | 2317-2324 |

| Common Cause Failure Importance Analysis for Aerospace Systems Jinhua Mi, Michael Beer, Yan-Feng Li, Matteo Broggi and Yuhua Cheng | 2325-2331 |

| Customer Segments and their Reliability Characteristics Generated from field Operation and Warranty Data Thomas Köttermann and Stefan Bracke | 2332-2339 |

| Digital Twin for Reliability Analysis During Design and Operation of Mechatronic Systems Thorben Kaul, Amelie Bender and Walter Sextro | 2340-2347 |

| Dynamic Reliability Evaluation of Binary Weighted k-out-of-n System with Dependent Components based on Multivariate Copulas Xinchen Zhuang, Tianxiang Yu and Bozhi Guo | 2348-2355 |

| Dynamic Reliability Model for Subsea Pipeline Risk Assessment due to Third Party Damage Reza Aulia, Henry Tan and Srinivas Sriramula | 2356-2363 |

| e-LNG Plant Availability Estimation Elisa Carlucci and Leonardo Tognarelli | 2364-2371 |

| Estimation of Reliability for Aircraft Systems as Regards the Impact of Destructive Ageing Processes Mariusz Zieja, Mariusz Ważny, Michal Jasztal and Sławomir Stępień | 2372-2377 |

| Forecasting Reliability of Components/Systems in Automobile Applications with Respect to three Variables of Stress in Field based on Neural Network Abderrahim Krini and Josef Börcsök | 2378-2386 |

| Fractal Characteristics of Complex Networks with Cascading Failures Xin Zhang, Ning Huang and Yanan Bai | 2387-2392 |

| Improvement Approaches in the Field of Reliability Forecasting for Components/Systems in Automobile Applications with Respect of Multivariate Stress Factors Abderrahim Krini and Josef Börcsök | 2393-2402 |

| Independence Classification, Split Logic and Shared Final Element for All-Electric Subsea Safety System Peter Okoh, Tor Onshus, Ellen Lycke, Einar Winther-Larssen and Jone Nicolai Sigmundstad | 2403-2409 |

| Information Access in Disaster Areas Silke Holtmanns, Ian Oliver and Hannu Hietalahti | 2410-2416 |

| Integrated Availability Assessment of Redundant URT's Vehicle Control System by GSPN Siqi Luo, Shaoping Wang and Jian Shi | 2417-2424 |

| Integrating Satisfiability Solving in the Assessment of System Reliability Modeled by Dynamic Fault Trees Margaux Duroeulx, Nicolae Brînzei, Marie Duflot and Stephan Merz | 2425-2432 |

| Iterative and Incremental Development of Reliable Systems Marc Zeller and Sebastian Klabes | 2433-2439 |

| Methodology for Imprecise Availability Computing and Optimization Joanna Akrouche, Mohamed Sallak, Eric Châtelet, Fahed Abdallah and Hiba Haj Chhadé | 2440-2445 |

| Monte Carlo Simulation to Consider Uncertainty in the Reliability Analysis of Dynamic Positioning Systems Victor R. L. Souza-Franco, Maria V. Clavijo, Adriana M. Schleder and Marcelo R. Martins | 2446-2453 |

| MTBF (Metric That Betrays Folk) Cristian Maiorano, Emanuele Pascale, Fred Schenkelberg, Laurent Bouillaut, Paolo Sannino, Yusmery Solorzano, Stanislao Borriello and Pietro Marmo | 2454-2460 |

| On Some Applications of the Fleet Assignment Models for Measurement of Schedule Reliability Performance in Unstable Environment Andrzej Słodownik, Mirosław Kowalski and Józef Żurek | 2461-2468 |

| Performance Assessment of Safety-instrumented Systems Subject to Cascading Failures in High-demand Mode Lin Xie, Mary Ann Lundteigen, Yiliu Liu, Elias Kassa and Shengyang Zhu | 2469-2474 |

| Quantitative FMEA and Functional Safety Metrics Evaluation in Bayesian Networks Matthias Rauschenbach and Jürgen Nuffer | 2475-2482 |

| Redundancy Allocation Problem of Phased-mission System with Mixed Stand-by Redundancy Strategy Xiang-Yu Li, Yan-Feng Li and Hong-Zhong Huang | 2483-2488 |

| Reliability Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Support Structure using Hierarchical Bayesian Network He Li and C. Guedes Soares | 2489-2495 |

| Reliability Aproach to Assessment of Existing Structures Milan Holický | 2496-2503 |

| Reliability Assessment Method based on Performance Degradation Data from Multi-axial Direction of Motor Yusheng Sun, Lizhi Wang, Xiaohong Wang, Xuejiao Zhao, Tongmin Jiang and Tielin Ma | 2504-2511 |

| Reliability Assessment of a Complex System with Unspecified Structure and Overlapping Test Data Lechang Yang, Yanling Guo, Qiang Wang and Zifan Kong | 2512-2519 |

| Reliability Evaluation of Radar Servo Control System Based on Enhanced GO Methodology Jin-e. Huang, Jun Tian, Xiaojun.Zhang and Dongyi.Wang | 2520-2526 |

| Reliability Factors Analyses for Gas Transmission Items Florent Brissaud, Leïla Marle and Denis Faure | 2527-2531 |

| Reliability Modeling and Evaluation for Command and Control Network Based on FTA Method Yifan Li, Hong-Zhong Huang and Xiang Li | 2532-2538 |

| Reliability Modeling of Aircraft Feel Simulator with Time-Varying Dependent Degradation Processes Linjie Shen, Yugang Zhang and Bifeng Song | 2539-2546 |

| Representative Natural Hazard Scenarios for Risk Assessment of Spatially Distributed Infrastructure Systems Hugo Rosero-Velásquez and Daniel Straub | 2547-2553 |

| Research on Model Based Method of Reliability Analysis for Space System Sha Qin, Liming Ren, Fengxi Chen, Wei Zhang, Xiaopeng Li, Libing Zhao, Ding Liu and Xiaodong Shi | 2554-2561 |

| Research on Technical Framework of Helicopter Transmission System Reliability Huichao Liu and Wei Wang | 2562-2566 |

| Stochastic Petri Nets Modeling for Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Study of a Power Generation Plant M.R. Jalal, M.F. Abdulhamid, H.S. Kang, A.S. Kader, M.N. Tamin and Eduard Lotovskyi | 2567-2574 |

| The Application of Reliability Allocation Methodology, From Preliminary Test Data, to Design a Definitive Test Plan. Application to Mechanical Heart Replacement Technology L. Saintis, B. Castanier, A. Kobi, F. Guérin, M. Mélot, G. Mingot, M. Grimmé, C. Blanchon and P. Dubuis | 2575-2582 |

| Time-dependent Unavailability Assessment of Final Element of Safety Instrumented Systems- an Application of Multiphase Markov Process Islam Abu Md Ariful, Srivastav Himanshu, Vatn Jørn, Barros Anne and Lundteigen Mary Ann | 2583-2590 |

| Towards Standardizing the Generation of Component Fault Trees through the Engineering Life Cycle Axel Berres, Tim Bittner and Marc Zeller | 2591-2597 |

| Vehicle Operation Process Analysis using the Markov Processes Józef Żurek, Mariusz Zieja, Jarosław Ziółkowski and Anna Borucka | 2598-2605 |

| Wind Farms Reliability Modelling for Life Cycle Cost Analysis Fredy Kristjanpoller, Mónica López-Campos, Pablo Viveros, Rodrigo Pascual, Vicente González-Prida and Adolfo Crespo | 2606-2613 |

| A PDEM-COM Framework for Quantification of Epistemic Uncertainty Zhiqiang Wan, Jianbing Chen, Jie Li and Michael Beer | 2622-2627 |

| A Problem in the Bayesian Analysis of Data without Gold Standards Nick Gray, Marco De Angelis, Dominic Calleja and Scott Ferson | 2628-2634 |

| Bayesian Updating with Reduced Experimental Data P. Beaurepaire | 2635-2640 |

| Belief Reliability Evaluation with Uncertain Information using Max Entropy Principle Tianpei Zu, Meilin Wen, Rui Kang and Qingyuan Zhang | 2641-2647 |

| Cross-dependence Between Interval Fields in Finite Element models: Definition and Analysis Matthias Faes and David Moens | 2648-2654 |

| Density Estimation and Data-Enclosing Sets using Sliced-Normal Distributions Luis G. Crespo, Sean P. Kenny, Brendon Colbert and Daniel P. Giesy | 2655-2662 |

| Dynamical Model of Repelling Particles for Construction of Distance-based Designs Miroslav Vořechovský, Jan Mašek and Jan Eliáš | 2663-2670 |

| Generalizing Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Right-Censored Data to Two Future Observations Ali M. Mahnashi, Tahani Coolen-Maturi and Frank P.A. Coolen | 2671-2678 |

| Model Updating of Model Parameters and Model Form Error in a Uniform Framework Sifeng Bi, Nils Wagner, Michael Beer and Morvan Ouisse | 2679-2684 |

| Modeling Spatial Dependence in Local Risks and Uncertainties Philipp Otto | 2685-2692 |

| Non-linear Finite Element Analysis under Mixed Epistemic and Aleatory Uncertain Random Field Input Mona M. Dannert, Rodolfo M.N. Fleury, Amelie Fau and Udo Nackenhorst | 2693-2698 |

| Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Warranties Based on Accelerated Life Testing Abdullah A.H. Ahmadini and Frank P.A. Coolen | 2699-2706 |

| Optimal Ultrasonic Sensor Configuration Based on Value of Information Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla, Juan Chiachío and Manuel Chiachío | 2707-2713 |

| Probabilistic Modelling for Frequency Response Functions and Transmissibility Functions with Complex Ratio Statistics Meng-Yun Zhao, Wang-Ji Yan, Wei-Xin Ren and Michael Beer | 2714-2718 |

| Rare Event Modelling for Stochastic Dynamic Systems approximated by the Probability Density Evolution Method Bittner M., Broggi M. and Beer M. | 2719-2726 |

| Sensitivity Analysis in the Transmission of Ground Movements to Structures considering the Variability of Soil-Structure Interaction Parameters El Kahi Elio, Mehdizadeh Rasool, Khouri Michel, Deck Olivier and Rahme Pierre | 2727-2732 |

| Sensitivity Analysis of Risk Assessment with Data-Driven Dependence Modeling G. Sarazin, J. Morio, A. Lagnoux, M. Balesdent and L. Brevault | 2733-2740 |

| SMUQ: an Uncertainty Quantification Software for Mechanical Performance Evaluation of Engineering Structures Niu Hongpan, Xie Ke, Fan Zhigeng, Liu Xinen and Xiao Shifu | 2741-2747 |

| The Cusunoro Curve: A Visual Tool for Global Sensitivity Analysis Elmar Plischke | 2748-2753 |

| The Use of Parametric Reduced-order Models in Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Application to Uncertainty Propagation Analysis H.A. Jensen, F. Mayorga, D.J. Jerez and M.A. Valdebenito | 2754-2760 |

| Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of Models for Assessing Oxygen Deficiency Hazard: Preliminary Results Elena Stefana, Filippo Marciano and Paola Cocca | 2761-2767 |

| Clarifying Implementation of Safe Design Principles in IEC 61508: Challenges of Novel Subsea Technology Development N.A. Zikrullah, H. Kim, M.A. Lundteigen and M.J.P. van der Meulen | 2928-2935 |

| Influence of the Penetrator Shape on Safety Evaluation of Machine Tools Guards Luca Landi, Alessandro Stecconi, Fabio Pera, Ernesto Del Prete and Carlo Ratti | 2936-2943 |

| Investigation on the effect of novel cutting fluids with modified ingredients regarding the long-term resistance of polycarbonate used as machine guards in cutting operations (KSS-PC) Eckart Uhlmann, Kai Haberbosch, Simon Thom, Sophie Drieux, Alex Schwarze and Mitchel Polte | 2944-2952 |

| Managing Emerging Risks for Enhanced Resilience: Aligning approaches Internationally A. S. Jovanović | 2953-2960 |

| On-Board Train Integrity: Safety Requirements Analysis Insaf Sassi and El-Miloudi El-Koursi | 2961-2968 |

| Probabilities in Safety of Machinery: 1. Markov Model for Risk Comparisons Heinrich Mödden | 2977-2984 |

| Probabilities in Safety of Machinery: 2. Risk Reduction Effects with Special Operating Modes Heinrich Mödden | 2985-2992 |

| Safety of Slim Tool Extensions for Milling Operations Eckart Uhlmann, Simon Thom, Enrico Barth, Thomas Pache and Lukas Prasol | 2993-3000 |

| Similarity analysis of terminologies in standards: Case study on international RAMS standards Huixing Meng, Kanittha Setthapitayakul and Yan-Fu Li | 3001-3008 |

| The Communication of Vision Zero Values in Tunnel Safety Management Tonja Knapstad, Morten Sommer and Ove Njå | 3009-3016 |

| Use of Different Time Periods in MTTF Estimation – Discussion on the Need for Improved Guidance in Reliability Standards Jon T. Selvik, Jean-Pierre Signoret and Francisco J. S. Alhanati | 3017-3023 |

| Utilization Rates of NC Lathe Machine for the Evaluation of Safety Requirements Luca Landi, Enrico Annacondia and Mirco Vertelli | 3024-3031 |

| Weak Point Analysis of Human Machine Interactions at Clamping of Turning Workpieces on Milling Machines Volker Wittstock, Patrick Puschmann, Adrian Albero Rojas, Matthias Putz and Heinrich Mödden | 3032-3039 |

| A Method for Estimation and Prediction of the Efficiency of the Proactive Prevention Applied in the Aircraft Transport Mariusz Zieja, Jarosław Wójcik, Piotr Migus and Mirosław Zieja | 3040-3047 |

| Analysis of Influencing Factors of Fluoride Precipitation in Cable for Hermetic Cabin in Space Wang Zheng, Zhang Yi, Li Xingxing, Li Bin and Gao Lin | 3048-3054 |

| Analysis of Uncertainty as a Factor Influencing Aircraft Boarding Process Reliability Beata Płanda and Jacek Skorupski | 3055-3062 |

| Effect of Temperature and Strain-rate on Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Interlayer Muhammad Zakir Sheikh, Tao Suo, Yulong Li, Xiang Guo, Bing Du, Penghao Pei and Uzair Ahmed Dar | 3063-3070 |

| Hazards and Risk Minimization of Manned Interplanetary Missions Justyna Tomaszewska, Marta Woch, Damian Mazurek, Norbert Grzesik and Mariusz Zieja | 3071-3075 |

| Lessons Learned from Increased Automation in Aviation: The Paradox Related to the High Degree of Safety and Implications for Future Research T.E. Evjemo and S.O. Johnsen | 3076-3083 |

| Management of Single Event Effects in Helicopters Avionic Stéphane Bailly and Nathalie Verite | 3084-3091 |

| Neutron Induced SEU Rate Prediction of SRAMs by Using Support Vector Machine and Neural Network Cheng Gao, Chengcheng Fu, Mingjie Zhang and Jiaoying Huang | 3092-3099 |

| Reliability Estimation for Reciprocating Seals of Aircraft Actuators under Segmental Stress History Rentong Chen, Shaoping Wang, Chao Zhang and Mileta Tomovic | 3100-3107 |

| Wear Prediction of the Hinge in An Aircraft Lock Mechanism Tianyang Pang, Tianxiang Yu and Xinchen Zhuang | 3108-3115 |

| Artificial Ground Freezing Technique in Tunnel Construction Considering Uncertain Drilling Inaccuracy of Freeze Pipes Yong Liu, Kaiqi Li, Peitao Li and Jun Hu | 3138-3143 |

| Assessment of Sensitivity Analysis Methods of Different Complexity for Offshore Wind Turbines Clemens Hüubler, Cristian G. Gebhardt and Raimund Rolfes | 3144-3151 |

| Comparative Analysis of the Safety Level of River Levees taking Uncertain Geotechnical Parameters into Account Niklas Drews, Jürgen Stamm and Markus Nieren | 3157-3163 |

| Computational Complexity of Experiment Design in Civil Engineering Olga Kosheleva, Yan Wang and Vladik Kreinovich | 3164-3168 |

| Contrasting Safety Management Approaches for Natural Disasters Applied to Landslides in Sandnes (Norway) Diego López Mulero and Ove Njå | 3169-3176 |

| Influence of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties on Structures Response El Kahi Elio, Deck Olivier, Khouri Michel, Mehdizadeh Rasool, Conin Marianne and Rahme Pierre | 3183-3190 |

| On Correlation and Underlying Physics Bernt J. Leira, Wei Chai and Chana Sinsabvarodom | 3191-3200 |

| Optimization of Tree Trunk Axes Locations in Polymorphic Uncertain Modeled Timber Structures F. Niklas Schietzold, Wolfgang Graf and Michael Kaliske | 3201-3208 |

| Performance-based Durability Design of Concrete Structures under Uncertainty Jesko Gerlach, Ludger Lohaus and Michael Haist | 3209-3216 |

| Phase Similarity Model Between Element Waves of Adjacent Element Faults for Simulated Ground Motion Based on the Stochastic Green’s Function Method Haruka Yokoyama, Hajime Iwai and Masayuki Kohiyama | 3217-3223 |

| Probability Distribution of Torsional Response Induced by Lateral Displacement and Inertial Force Hiroki Yokoyama and Masayuki Kohiyama | 3224-3231 |

| Probability-based Remaining Service Time Prediction for Corroded Shell of a Steel Tank used for Liquid Fuel Storage Mariusz Maslak and Michal Pazdanowski | 3232-3239 |

| Quantitative Risk Assessment on Landslides Considering Spatial Variability of Soils Yong Liu, Yanan Ding, Guan Chen and Jiang Tao Yi | 3240-3247 |

| Redundancy in Truss Systems under Uncertainty Considerations Mustafa Guevenc and Panagiotis Spyridis | 3248-3254 |

| Reliability-based Robust Design Optimization of a Rock Salt Cavern Elham Mahmoudi and Markus König | 3255-3262 |

| Seepage Evaluation in Tunnel Construction Considering the Spatial Variability of Surrounding Soils Yong Liu, Ruohan Wang, Manyu Wang and Elton J. Chen | 3263-3268 |

| Vibration-Based Damage Detection of Steel Bridges Using Bayesian Hypothesis Testing Yoshinao Goi and Chul-Woo Kim | 3269-3276 |

| A Simplified Approach for the Prioritization of Bridge Stock Seismic Retrofitting Mauro D'Apuzzo, Azzurra Evangelisti, Vittorio Nicolosi, Alessandro Rasulo, Daniela Santilli and Mirco Zullo | 3277-3284 |

| A zero-sum Markov Defender-attacker Game for Modeling False Pricing in Smart Grids and its Solution by Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Daogui Tang, Yi-Ping Fang and Enrico Zio | 3285-3291 |

| Applying Systems Theory to Increase Competence in Tunnel Fire Safety – Focusing on the Fire and Rescue Services Gabriela Bjørnsen and Ove Njå | 3292-3299 |

| Cyber-physical Threats and Real-time Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure Jørn Vatn | 3300-3307 |

| Data-Driven Extraction of Association Rules of Dependent Abnormal Behaviour Groups Federico Antonello, Piero Baraldi, Ahmed Shokry, Enrico Zio, Ugo Gentile and Luigi Serio | 3308-3313 |

| Determinants of Dynamic Resilience Modelling in Critical Infrastructure Elements David Rehak, Vendula Onderkova and Veronika Brabcova | 3314-3319 |

| Exploitation of Electronic Systems in Building Objects Exposed to Impact of Strong Electromagnetic Pulses Adam Rosiński, Jacek Paś, Jarosław Łukasiak and Marek Szulim | 3320-3325 |

| Failure Forecast of The Water Supply Network Krzysztof Boryczko | 3326-3333 |

| Hybrid Bayesian Network Algorithm based on MCMC and Subset Simulation for Reliability Analysis Kilian Zwirglmaier and Daniel Straub | 3334-3341 |

| Identification of Assets of Metro Operation in Praha and Determination of their Criticality Tomas Kertis and Dana Prochazkova | 3342-3349 |

| Measure for Bridges Safety Management Improvement Jan Prochazka, Dana Prochazkova and Zdenko Prochazka | 3350-3357 |

| Modeling National Interdependent Critical Infrastructures: Application and Discussion for the Swedish Power and Internet Backbone Tove Rydén Sonesson and Jonas Johansson | 3358-3365 |

| Operational Resilience of Urban Water Distribution Networks Wei Liu and Zhaoyang Song | 3366-3373 |

| Representation and Modeling of the Chilean Electric Power Network for Seismic Resilience Analysis E. Ferrario, A. Poulos, J. C. de la Llera, A. Lorca, A. Oneto and C. Magnere | 3374-3381 |

| Resilience Management of Infrastructure Systems from a Multistage Decision Making Perspective Yi-Ping Fang and Enrico Zio | 3382-3389 |

| Safety and Security of Ports with LNG Bunkering Systems Olga Aneziris, Ioanna Koromila, Ernesto Salzano, Marko Gerbec and Zoe Nivolianitou | 3390-3397 |

| The Influence of Atmospheric Factors on the Failure Rate of Critical Infrastructure Izabela Piegdoń, Barbara Tchórzewska-Cieślak and Julia Sokolan | 3398-3407 |

| Visualization of Critical Infrastructure Resilience Using TreeMap I. Shapira, U. Barzelay, K. Øien and A. Jovanovic | 3408-3415 |

| All-contingency Approach to Risk Assessment of Multi-Area Power Grids Daniel Jung, Michel Vandenbergh, Ana Raquel Tibúrcio Castanho, Hugo Calisto and Ricardo Bolado Lavin | 3416-3423 |

| Artificial Intelligence in Prognostic Maintenance Sunday Ochella and Mahmood Shafiee | 3424-3431 |

| Data-Driven Identification of Critical Components in Complex Technical Infrastructures Using Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Xuefei Lu, Federico Antonello, Piero Baraldi and Enrico Zio | 3432-3436 |

| Defining Maintenance Significant Items Based on ISO 55000 and AHP: A Hydropower Plant Case Study Renan Favarão da Silva, Arthur Henrique de Andrade Melani, Miguel Angelo de Carvalho Michalski, Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza and Silvio Ikuyo Nabeta | 3437-3444 |

| Indices under the Spotlight: An Approach to Unveil and Manage the Implicit Trade-offs between Indicators Patrick Gasser, Marco Cinelli, Matteo Spada, Peter Burgherr and Božidar Stojadinović | 3445-3452 |

| Probabilistic Transmission Expansion Planning: On the Effects of Outcome Variability on Decision-making Willems Sander, Labeau Pierre-Etienne, Maun Jean-Claude, Vergnol Arnaud and Sprooten Jonathan | 3453-3459 |

| The Power Grid Operator of the Future: A Case Method for Developing Organizational Capabilities Required to Successfully Adapt in a Fast-changing Market Lars Hurlen, Jan Erik Farbrot, Asgeir Drøivoldsmo and Kine Reegård | 3460-3467 |

| Updating a Hydro Power Plant Monitoring System Through Failure Modes and Symptoms Analysis Arthur Henrique de Andrade Melani, Carlos Alberto Murad, Miguel Angelo de Carvalho Michalski, Adherbal Caminada Netto, Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza and Silvio Ikuyo Nabeta | 3468-3475 |

| A Practical Method for Generating Stochastic Release Scenarios for Smart Gas Sensing Claudia Vivalda and Claudia Iurato | 3582-3588 |

| An Efficient Metamodelling based Fragility Analysis Procedure of offshore Structure under Extreme Wave Soumya Bhattacharjya, Swagato Majumder and Gaurav Datta | 3589-3596 |

| An Extensive Form Game Based Multi-Ship Collision Avoidance Scheme Yang Wang, Xudong Ouyang, Bing Wu and Tengfei Wang | 3597-3605 |

| Applying a Bayesian Network Methodology to an Offshore gas Turbine Driven Power Generator to Demonstrate the Cause and Effect Relationship of the Turbine Running Over-speed and the Associated Switchboard Failures S. Loughney, J. Wang and D. B. Matellini | 3606-3613 |

| Classification Heuristic for Selecting a Suitable Idealized Wave Spectrum based on Excited Ship Motions and Current Weather Sovanna Chhoeung, Tim Wüllner and Axel Hahn | 3614-3621 |

| Empirical Reliability Analysis of a Safety-related Battery Tobias Winter, Jan Schnitzler, Johannes Schick, Julian Popp, Sebastian Imle, Markus Glaser and Bernd Bertsche | 3622-3629 |

| Improvements in rules and regulations to support sensemaking in safety-critical maritime operations S. O. Johnsen, S. S. Kilskar and B.E. Danielsen | 3630-3637 |

| Investigation on the Reliability of Laterally Loaded Monopile Foundations Jann-Eike Saathoff, Kirill Alexander Schmoor, Martin Achmus and Mauricio Terceros | 3638-3645 |

| Miniature Marine Structures to Reproduce Structural Damage in Ship Collision Scenarios: From Similarity Laws to Additive Manufactured Models Miguel Angel Calle Gonzales, Pentti Kujala, Mika Salmi, Roberto Oshiro, Leonardo Mazzariol and Marcílio Alves | 3646-3653 |

| Online Risk Modelling for Supervisory Risk Control of Autonomous Marine Systems Ingrid Bouwer Utne, Børge Rokseth, Asgeir J. Sørensen and Jan Erik Vinnem | 3654-3659 |

| Risk of Ship Near Collision Scenarios off the Coast of Portugal H. Rong, A. P. Teixeira and C. Guedes Soares | 3660-3666 |

| Risk-Based Resilience Analysis of Maritime Container Transport Networks Chengpeng Wan, Zaili Yang, Xinping Yan, Di Zhang, Eduardo Blanco-Davis and Jun Ren | 3667-3674 |

| Safety and Reliability Analysis of an Actuation System Sebastian Imle, Tobias Winter, Julian Popp, Markus Glaser and Bernd Bertsche | 3675-3682 |

| Sensemaking in High-risk Situations. The Challenges Faced by Dynamic Positioning Operators Lars Hurlen, Ann Britt Skjerve and Andreas Bye | 3683-3690 |

| The Surrounding Water Effect in the Speedboat Collision Modeling Krirkkajon Tanadrob, Chakrit Suvanjumrat and Wonsiri Punurai | 3691-3698 |

| A Computerized Operator Support System to Monitor the Technical Specifications Subong Lee and Jonghyun Kim | 3744-3751 |

| A Limit Surface Prediction for PWR LOCA Transients Using Adaptive Machine Learning Techniques Ikuo Kinoshita | 3752-3757 |

| Agent-based Modeling to Integrate Dispersion Phenomena and Evacuation Options in Radiological Accidents Yujeong Hwang and Gyunyoung Heo | 3758-3763 |

| Application and Evaluation of the Kirkpatrick Model (KPM) While Transfering Knowledge During the Renewal of Subcontractors at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Amaury Bazalgette, Jean-François Vautier, Guillaume Hernandez and Franck Guarnieri | 3764-3767 |

| Assessment of VVER 1000 Core Degradation for Spectrum of Large Break Sizes Along with SBO P. Groudev, A. Stefanova and R. Gencheva | 3768-3775 |

| Decision Support Model For Annular Spacer Repositioning Euan Barlow, Emma Comrie, Matthew Revie, Tim Bedford and Lesley Walls | 3776-3783 |

| Experience from Level 2 Site Risk Analysis for Nordic Power Plants Jan-Erik Holmberg, Stefan Authén, Ola Bäckström, Xuhong He, Salvatore Massaiu and Tero Tyrväinen | 3790-3797 |

| IAEA Project on Aggregation of Various Risk Contributors for Nuclear Facilities Shahen Poghosyan, Anders Gilbertson, Fernando Ferrante, Nathan Siu, Robertas Alzbutas and Tamas Siklossy | 3798-3805 |

| Insights from Meta Study of Nuclear Power Plants Operational Experience Topical Studies Zdenko Šimić, Miguel Peinador Veira and Giustino Manna | 3806-3810 |

| Network-based Analysis of Hazard Dependency Patterns Prior to the Automated Integration into PSA Models Nadine Berner and Matthias Utschick | 3811-3818 |

| Optimal Autonomous Operation for Power Control of Nuclear Power Plants by Using Deep Reinforcement Learning Daeil Lee and Jonghyun Kim | 3819-3825 |

| Parametric and Non-parametric Methods for Estimating Multidimensional Tolerance Regions Associated to Safety Margins J.F. Villanueva, S. Martorell, S. Carlos, F. Sanchez-Saez, I. Martón and A.I. Sánchez | 3826-3830 |

| Petri Nets and Pseudo-Bond Graphs for a Nuclear Reactor Primary Coolant System Mark James Wootton, John Andrews, Adam L. Lloyd, Roger Smith, A. John Arul, Gopika Vinod, Shri Hari Prasad and Vipul Garg | 3831-3838 |

| Preliminary Evacuation Time Estimate in Korea and Its Application into Level 3 PSA Sunghyun Park, Seokwoo Sohn, Hyunae Park and Moosung Jae | 3839-3846 |

| Reactivity Sensitivity Analysis for a Fuel Rod with Biconcave Cross Section in a PWR M. V. A. Oliveira, D. G. Teixeira, T. D. Roberto, E. Henrice Jr. and P.F. Frutuoso e Melo | 3847-3851 |

| Reassessment of the Importance of the Safety Systems Availability in the NPP Accident Progression E. Kichev and P. Groudev | 3852-3859 |

| Systems Thinking in Risk Management by Preventive & Detective Controls as an Ago-Antagonistic Systems Approach in the French Nuclear Sector Diana Paola Moreno Alarcon, Jean François Vautier, Guillaume Hernandez and Franck Guarnieri | 3866-3873 |

| The Use of Records to Manage Risks Associated with the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Frédérick Lamare and Aurélien Portelli | 3874-3881 |

| Towards an Interval Particle Transport Monte Carlo Method Ander Gray, Andrew Davis and Edoardo Patelli | 3882-3889 |

| Uncertainty Assessment of Seismic Fragilities – a Modification of the Kennedy Ravindra Approach Günter Becker, Alexios Camarinopoulos, Tanja Schenke, Stephan Kranz, Jörg Rattke and Andreas Strohm | 3890-3894 |

| A Method for Network Security Situation Prediction Based on LSTM Wendi Zhang, Tian Bai, Fuqiang Sun and Tongmin Jiang | 3936-3942 |

| A Semi-formal Approach Towards Likelihood Evaluation in Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Jens Braband and Hendrik Schäbe | 3943-3948 |

| An Approach to Software Assisted Physical Security Risk Analysis and Optimization Daniel Lichte, Dustin Witte and Kai-Dietrich Wolf | 3949-3956 |

| Approaching Societal Safety from the Urban Perspective Ana Llopis Alvarez and Ove Njå | 3957-3963 |

| Can we Really Prevent Security Vulnerabilities at the Source? Ted Stewart | 3965-3967 |

| Establishing a Cybersecurity Centre for Industrial Control Systems Vikash Katta, Fabien Sechi, Per-Arne Jørgensen, Stine Strand, Per Axel Wiig, John Eidar Simensen and Siv Hilde Houmb | 3968-3972 |

| How the Counter-radicalization Discourse Securitizes Education and Why this Might not be an Effective Approach to Preventing Terrorism Martin M. Sjøen and Sissel H. Jore | 3973-3980 |

| How will Different Risk Perspectives within Naval Organizations in the High North Affect Societal Resilience? Lillian Katarina Stene and Richard Utne | 3981-3987 |

| Improving Security and Safety Co-analysis of STPA Erik Nilsen Torkildson, Jingyue Li and Stig Ole Johnsen | 3988-3995 |

| Model based Design of Intrusion Detection Systems for ICS Mohamad Houssein Monzer, Kamal Beydoun and Jean-Marie Flaus | 3996-4003 |

| Nuclear Facilities and Cyber Threats Silvia Tolo and John Andrews | 4004-4013 |

| Risk Assessment of the Development of Electronic Warfare Capabilities Petr Hlavizna and Alena Oulehlová | 4014-4021 |

| Safety of the Signaling Data Processing and Transfer – Railway Cybercrime Immunity Challenge Marek Pawlik | 4022-4029 |

| The Agile RAMSS Lifecycle for the Future Thor Myklebust, Per Håkon Meland, Tor Stålhane and Geir K. Hanssen | 4030-4035 |

| The Concept of Cybersecurity Culture Kine Reegård, Claire Blackett and Vikash Katta | 4036-4043 |

| The Multifaceted Aspect of Uncertainty – the Significance of Addressing Uncertainty in the Management of the Transboundary Wicked Problem of Terrorism Sissel H. Jore | 4044-4051 |