SessionTubular Joints - 2
Date/TimeDecember 10, 2019 (Tuesday) / 15:20 – 17:40 hrs
VenueE-Cube 2
Session Chair(s) Jeffrey A Packer and Wei Li

Design of Fillet Welds in CHS Joints for the Brace Capacity
Kyle Tousignant and Jeffrey A. Packer

Influence of Fillet Welds on Structural Behavior of RHS T joints
Maria Bronzova, Marsel Garifullin and Kristo Mela

Experimental Investigation OF SHS T Joints Reinforced with Sidewall Plates
Nathann Gomes, Luciano Lima, Pedro Vellasco, Luis Costa-neves, André Tenchini and Monique Rodrigues

Reinforcing Corroded CHS Joints with Hybrid FRP-UHPC Cover
Hongfei Chang, Wenkang Zuo, Zhen Guo and Lvyuan Zhou

Static Behavior of CHS-to-RHS K/KK-Joints with Welded Section Chord
Shuang Qiu, Xianzhong Zhao, Shanshan Han and Yiyi Chen

Cen Technical Specification for Design of Hollow Section Joints According to the Component Method
Jaspart Jean-Pierre, Weynand Klaus and Demonceau Jean-François

Identification of GTN Damage Parameters as a Surrogate Model For S355
Rui Yan, Haohui Xin and Milan Veljkovic