SessionHigh-Strength Steel Joints
Date/TimeDecember 11, 2019 (Wednesday) / 11:40 – 13:20 hrs
VenueE-Cube 1
Session Chair(s) Timo Björk and Tim Wilkinson

Properties and Design of Welded Joints of High-strength Steels
Richard M. Stroetmann and Thoralf Kästner

Axially Loaded Joints of CHS in HSS
Oliver Fleischer and Stefan Herion

Welded joints of Rectangular Hollow Section Made of High Strenght Steel(HSS)
Haohui Xin, Prishilla Kisoensingh and Milan Veljkovic

Numerical Investigation on Hollow Section N-Joints made of High Strength Steels
Philipp Ladendorf and Thomas Ummenhofer

Chord Stress Effect in High-Strenght Steel Tubular X-Joints
Seon-hu Kim, Cheol-ho Lee and Dong-jin Shin