Message from General Chair
Professor Chua Chee Kai
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Pro-AM 2014, the International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing and the opening of the NTU Additive Manufacturing Centre (NAMC). I am honoured to preside over NAMC’s first International Conference, an opportune time to bring together worldwide participation in the broad exchange of knowledge in additive manufacturing. We are very privileged to have invited various experts in this field as our keynote speakers.
It is heartening to note that we have received over 100 high quality research papers from more than 20 countries within Southeast Asia and beyond the region. In total, more than 200 delegates from around the world have registered for the conference.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors for their generous support and funding, and the organizing committee for their dedication towards putting together the conference programme for the enjoyment and benefit for all.
I hope that you will have a fruitful and valuable time at the conference, which will carry new experiences and information, contributing towards advancements in the exciting field of additive manufacturing.
Professor Chua Chee Kai
General Chair - Pro-AM 2014 &
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Nanyang Technological University